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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First week of school.... GOD!

hey everyone!!! omg this past week has been CRAZY!!! micki and i have been walking around like crazy people trying to figure out our lives, Okoberfest, plane flights, trips to the Riviera, dont forget about school and homework, our insane iyalian teacher... hahah but shes awesome!

school is great! not but not what i expected, i expected UCLA campus with all the italians hangin gout in the quad.. and sipping on coffee and blundling up with the cold!.. but we are in a section of the school that is such a small part but i did meet my italian pen pal... when we saw each other, i went in for a hand shake and he went in for the european two kisses on the cheek.. hahah woahhhhh not expecting that!! hahahah but it was cool, hes really into school so he told me he will be studying a lot but he said as soon as school calms down then we will have time for me... hahah it will be winter, uhh!

but school is great this week we only have italian this week and classes start next. and i couldnt be more excited to listen to the professors in english! hahah but the school is great the staff is very helpful, its just a lot of stuff that you have to organized, in a foreign country and its really hard because you are still learning how to get around on the bus and by foot, and trying not to get robbed in the meantime... :/ i havent yet.. knock on wood, but i bought a side shoulder bag yesterday because i needed a bag that zipped...

but we went out last night to this place called Cacow, and it was a club with a SEA of people! the music was SOOOO loud and crazy and italians everywhere! i dont know if my gay-dar is out of whack.. but i think that every single guy at this club was.. just by looking at them, by the way they dressed and how they seemed to present themselves. the other night i made the mistake of hitting on this REALLY cute italian guy.. turns out he was gay... and ego is now in the shitter.. thank you very much! haha no but i was not going to risk that again so i just waited till they approached us.

the clubs on the river Po are SUPER fun but we just found out that they will be closing in a matter of like 10 days... and then you have to pay to get into clubs, because it gets so cold that you have to pay to be inside and not freeze to death.. so the winter should be really interesting!
all the i said that we have met, tell us to get a boyfriend in the winter to be "intertained" hmmmm yaaaa we shall see...

micki and i had a "us" day yesterday because our roomates want to constantly be with us... and it was great to catch up with each other alone and talk about what was on each others minds. we went to HnM :) and while shopping a heard of soccer hooligans for the team torino were marching down the street chanting their soccer teams chant, micki and i heard it and threw our stuff down and ran down the stairs to hear what was going on.. maybe 150 to 200 men chanting down the street.. does anyone want my number..?? hahah just kidding, but i was quite the sight, micki and i are going tonight to see if we can get a way in... i guess its a big game... i just want to go to experience the liveliness of the people cheering and yelling with so much passion.. and then after the game make a quick dash to the buses before the riots break out, that all for now.. send me an email with specific questions that you might have because other than that the blogging will be the best that you will get!

love you all!!

caio! xoxox



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