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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Sunday, September 13, 2009

ohh man!!

okay.. so first of all.. this whole time being in italy really throws me for a loop sometimes because i forget im in another country and think that im here for playtime and no work time.  Last night Micki, Ashley, Kim and i went to this wine event our in Asti that is suppose to be FAMOUS for the amazing food and FREE, yes you heard me.. FREE wine!  it was SOOOOO good! you buy this wine glass with this neck tie for 50 cent euro and then you go around and buy a plate of food and you get your wine glass filled for free... hahah and of course being american... we all cheated the system and flirted with the old men holding the rosso vino... haha works everytime, the italian boys that we were with just laugh at us an say, "well, it pays to be georgous!" we would all just smile.  :)  we had amazing rissotto and pasta and many glasses of wine, people EVERYWHERE! and it was incredible!

2 nights ago we discovered this club called CHALET, and its one of the most primo of primo clubs i guess.. dress code and all, Kim and i got ready at our apartment and walked over to micki and ashleys apartment which only took 5 min and all drank wine while micki and ashley finished getting ready.  by the time they had finished kim and i were pretty toasted... haha but not drunk.  other USAC friends came and we all left together.  earlier that day at school out in front on our break, micki insisted to shout, "caio raggazzi!" to this group of CUTIES! and of course we got their attention.. but before i heard them talking about us saying that we were "hot" (yep the italian is kicking in) and thats when i told micki, theyre talking about us... then here comes the CAIIOOOO!! hahah we sat on the each side of the entry way having conversations with these guys, like sign language... it was great! we finally exchanged numbers and thats when he told us about this club... we were going to this club!

after meeting up with our other USAC friends we all decided to walk together to this club.. oh ya i havent used a cab since ive been here.. walking like 5 to 6 miles a night (buns of steal!!) we get there and there is a SEA of kids our age just cramming the gates and i looked at Kim and said... "oh, Katherine doesn't wait..!" (being alittle under the influence) i shout from the back of the crowd of people... "sono AMERICANA!" the crowd slit like MOSIS splitting the seas, everyone was starring at me, Ashley and this girl named megan! hahah we walked right in, i could hear italians cussing at the bouncers, but what did i care.. i was in! woo! once again.. pays to be pretty, and american!! we get into the club and it was incredible! lights and italians everywhere! the girls and i went straight to the bar and took shots! woo! lets go DANCE! we took OVER THE DANCE FLOOR!! hahahah 

then all of a sudden this like random house band came on, and started playing random ROCK italian music... micki and i made our way to the front.. DUH and sang along... what? sang along.. wasnt it in ALL italian??? i thought we sounded good! hahaha then when the band cleared off we jumped up on stage and danced with the band.... god! we know how to rock it!

the clock struck like 4:30 and it was time to start walking back... this wasnt an easy task... but we were with a bunch of people so it was safe! seriously, VERY safe! the next day.. italian class... if i could imagine hell that this point in my life, it would have been that friday italian class for 3 hours, my roomate kim couldnt even get out of bed... i dont know how i did.  remembering micki and having like 100 laugh attacked.. no seriously micki had to leave the room... i couldnt keep focused... it was HELL! theres no other way to explain it.  Got home at like 2:30 int he afternoon and slept until 6:30.. ahhhh yes! needed that!

then that night this group of italian guys that we have been hanging out with almost everynight wanted to make us a REAL italian meal, Kim and i met at Mickis apartment and the boys were present, they brought all the supplies over, the pasta the sausage, everything, the girls were incharge of the wine.. hahaha. they cooked in their doll house kitchen while we all sat around and drank wine and talked in half italian half english... ahahah priceless! the night ended on a good note ;) and then i went home. it was a night that didnt have a lot of effort but still was sooooo much fun! all in all i have been going out and enjoying every minute!

today is sunday.. catch up day and i am doing homework and getting my life together for the next week... i am going to the riviera for the weekend and i seriously cannot wait! ah SUN AND THE BEACH! i miss it so! i hope you enjoyed this blog and hopefully this week will have some funny moments, but knowing me, a funny moment is only around the corner... seriously!

life couldnt be sweeter! italy sends its love to you all! caio raggazzi e familia!! (bye friends and family!)



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