This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Monday, September 21, 2009


OMG! there has been SOOOOOO much going on these past few days.. dont blame me for not blogging because i havent been in town, but here is my only opportunity to blogg.. ready set.. shit!

ok so this last thursday we went back to the night club CHALET.. but wait.. this time we were undercontrol.. hah semi :) we danced all night and meet cute italians.. of course.. and got up on stage and danced to the rhythm of the night.. i feel like i have been hearing the same songs for the past month, but its pretty funny watching the italians attempt to try and sing the words.. ahah anyways it got SUPER late when i looked at my phone.. it was 4:30am.. oh ya! Micki her roomate Taylor and i walked home from the club laughing a talking just freaking otu about the time, knowing that we had to be up in like 2 hours to catch a bus to the RIVIERA.. hahah yaaaa. so as we were crossing this one street a group of italian boys.. yes "boys" start yelling in italian after us.. not the yelling sense like "get out of the way" yelling in a sense like heyyyyyyyyy come hereeee!! wooo hooo! hahah and all we did was make louder noises and yell back.. hahah typical! then after we crossed the street they were still yelling, but i had noticed something funcky in the back seat.. oh ya.. some little peice of you know what was mooning us.. thats right i got some italian ass!! hahahahahaha! i whipped out my flip and took primo footage (mom you'll see it) it was sooooooo funny! no common ground as far as the laungage goes.. just more and more yelling! LOUD NOISES! we finally we able to get away after for a second i feared for my life... i arrived home. ahhhh

"katherine, Katherine, wake up!" we have to leave... "WHA???!!" omg... death on a leash.. to early.. no sleep.. ahhhhh!! thank god i packed the night before, because yes i still felt drunk! as i finished packing my toiletries.. hahah who knew what i threw in there.. we were on the bus on our way to school to meet for the Riviera. as we got on the bus... micki and i claimed our own row.. duh.. and passed out! 2 hour bus ride.. dont ask me about the ride up.. i couldnt tell you.

we arrived in Genova BEAUTIFUL GENOVA! ahhh looing like utter crap and feeling it too... we took a walking tour of the city by a tour guide, janet knows micki and i tired on walking tours.. it aint pretty.. just a lot of laughing.. to much actually.. hahah we went up in the revolving room that takes you over the city.. yes felt sick and hot.. oh lets not forget my fear of heights.. dingg! but the sight was amazing!! when we reach ground level again we walked back on the bus, where it took us to the Cinque Terra.. O M double GG!! it was one of the most unbelieveable places i had ever been. each city has its own name, and you can hike.. yes hike.. UPHILL.. to each city.. the hike didnt even phase micki, ashley, kim and i the sight was just breathtaking!! lets not forget it started to down pour on this hike.. but being from california.. what? jacket? yep only had a light cardigan... no big deal.. but you should have seen this place! ah the town of love.. the town of wonderfulness! every town had a stopping point where you litterally hiked through each town, they had shops places to eat.. just incredible! Mr. Rick steves (the traveling book) saved out lives yet again.. and gave us background and history on all the towns. 5 and a half miles later..... not kidding we parked it in venezona (not sure about the spelling) and micki and i shared the anchovie pizza.. first time ever eating them... can you say SALT! JANET DICHIRO! it was very good! the anchovies were a delacasy in the Cinque Terra so i had to eat one.. cmon! who am i?? after our lunch we decided we were done... we hopped on the train back to La Speccia where we stored our luggage, bought a ticket back to Torino... taking 4 and a half HOURS back to Torino... micki and i had reached an all time HIGH of delusional thinking... very bad! we left the Cinque Terra at 4:10 and arrived in Torino at 8:30pm.... after hiking all day smelling to high hell, we finally arrived home to Torino! ahhhhh on the way home we stopped at this famous KABAB place... ahhhhhh the most amazing food i have ever put in my mouth, and CHEAP! love it!! looking like haggered BEAST walking into this place, of course this is where the locals hang out on a Sunday night... sweet! no chance im getting a boyfriend tonight as i scarf down on a Kabab smelling and looking like a wilda beast! hahah seriously though!

this morning i had italian from 9am-11am... yes i got up for school after getting no sleep during the weekend, but i got a shower when i got home and thats all i cared about! caiiiooo for now!


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