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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

IVERA! throwing ORANGES!

Ivera Orange Throwing…!!!

Now I don’t know if you all know this… but italy has some weird games and traditions that they play or do… this one being one of them… you are not going to believe what I am about to tell you! You will now look at an orange completely different after this story. Here we go!
Yesterday February 16th, 2010, USAC put on a day trip for the students to take a trip to Ivera for its annual Orange fighting competion. Now I have heard about this incredible day, and how much fun it is, but I cold never fully wrap my head around the fact that people stand on these float looking things, and theres like 8 of these BIG men or women literally chucking oranges at people on the streets. Now they are divided in categories, or teams if you will. They have horse’s pull these floats (no the horse don’t get hit) and these guys on the float are judged by how many oranges hey throw how many people they hit etc… Now when I was getting dressed for this glorious event I was told that if you wear RED then you are not allowed to throw an orange at the players on the float because if you are caught then they have the right to CHUCK an orange at you. Now when I talk about the men actually on the float, they pay 500 EUROS to be on those floats because the games last for 5 days, and after the day is over the team celebrates and ad gets drunk… I know I would with the welts growing on my body! Now these games can be mean as well, if you are caught with something red on throwing an orange and the whole team sees you, then they also have the right to throw a FROZEN orange… ahhh!!and yes I was one of the lucky ones to receive one of the frozen ones, I think. I got hit in the back, butt, side, head, legs, anywhere you can possibly imagine… but I couldn’t stop, it was such a adrenalin rush that I couldn’t stop throwing them! The team I Tuchini del Borcetto are known as the FIRECEST team there, their logo is the black crow… now when we go there we had lunch at this CUTE little place and then the party started at 2pm… hahah! I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into, seriously no idea! When it started it wasn’t so bad I just basically ducked behind these massive players and hoped that my face wouldn’t attract an orange. When the carts rolled by one by one the breaks in between was what was getting me by… watching these people get PUNCKEd with all these oranges ahh, it was INCREDIBLE! The streets became MORE AND MORE of a war zone, yes there were bloody noses and black eyes everywhere… ahh the intensity was unbelievable!!!! Now we were also told that since the horses pull the floats theat ohh yess indeed there WILL be horse poop.. so combind the poop and the oranges… mmmm mmmmm goood!!!!! But from throwing oranges from 2pm-5pm will take a lot out of you!!! Hahah! Up to our knees in orange pulp… we didn’t break. ONE after another throwing and hitting these people! Ahh! Most epic day of my life!
So details during the actual fight… one of the carts would stop right in front of where we were standing and just start CHUCKing these oranges at people, and they would deflect and hit us in the face, back, side… whatever! Hahah! And Micki and Sarah my roommate have this image of this guy on the crow team standing in front of them as the people on the carts are throwing these oranges at him… and all you can see is his body moving sharp little hitting movements handing off the oranges to the chicken shit little girls hiding from the big bad oranges. SOO EPIC! I got in a fight with this group of little Italian boys…and I was trying to explain to them that I was on the same team, but they continued to throw oranges at me and the girls, I got so angry that I started throwing all these oranges that Micki was like “Katherine STOP! They are not the enemy!” hahahah! I love her! So after the 3 hours of fighting in the center of the square they had the winning team crowned… we couldn’t stay because we had to catch our train back. On the way to the square we were all slipping and sliding all over the place! Falling on our butts for like 2km! hahah it was sooo great! One of us would fall and then we would all laugh and help each other up… and then another would fall! Hahahah sooo great! We stood in the square waiting for the winners to be announced and realized that we were going to miss our train… we had to leave even though the ENTIRE square was packed with smelly orange people!! Hahaha! We met up with the other USACers and NONE of them were even dirty… I WAS SHOCKED! Where the heck did they stand??? Micki, Kelly, Sarah and I were covered! But we didn’t care… we ROCKED it and had the time of our lives! Who can honestly say that in their lifetime they threw oranges at people… NO ONE! Hahaha! Met some amazing people on the crow team and it was amazing!

Currently Micki and I are working on a documentary for USAC and you all will be watching it very soon! Please be patient with everything (as I know you are all anxious!) but it will up and running very soon! Stay tuned in reading my blogs and I hope you are still enjoying them!

Love to all!


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