This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weekend in TORINOOOO

Bloooggg tiiime!


Okay… so as you all know it is DECEMBER!!!! I cant believe it and so much has happened this past semester… partying, dancing, trips, food, cultures, and studying… J! But it all has been memories that for the rest of my life I will never forget.  And for all you reading this out there… this is all real… don’t try this at home! Hahhah


So the weekend of the 19th of November was the first weekend I had actually stayed in Torino in like a MONTH! And yes, my mom was here and we went to Rome as you all know, and then after she left I went to London… so this weekend I was looking so forward too because I didn’t have to catch a bus, train, airplane, donkey to get to my destination, and the other BEST part about not traveling is your roommates are all gone! Hahah I had the entire apartment to myself... well sort of… J Now, Now get your minds out of the gutter and let me explain… My friends Nicole Talisse and Bryanna Burkhart came to Europe for this particular weekend to Torino to share their second European adventure with Micki and I.  Last summer wasn’t enough!!! So Bryanna stayed with me at my apartment while Nicole stayed with Micki.  To rewind to either Tuesday or Wednesday I can’t remember, the “Americans” (aka: Micki Ashley and myself) were invited to play a little beer PONGG! Now I don’t know if you all know this but I am a CHAMP at the PONG…. It was like the Olympics, “and in this corner we have the Brits, and in the right corner we have the sweeds, and then in back we have the French, and then in the front we have the French-Canadians and in the center we have the Americans!” Whoop Whoop! My partner Lilly and I SKOOLED the Europeans and made it to the FINALS... now I know what your thinking… ya right… but we weren’t using big red cups... ohhhh no.... we were using plastic water cups that you get on the side of a water jug… do the Europeans not believe in BIG CUPS? There’s a shortage of that too… put that on the LIST! Anyways the game was heating up and Lilly and I were scared, he had one cup left and we had four… next thing I knew Lilly hit one… BAM! And then I hit one…. BOOM! And then she hit one again… PONG! One to one… the Canadians began to sweat... will they loose against the Americans or will they win?? Tick tock tick tock… the room was silent… then WHAM… he makes it… I lost to a Canadian… and WORSE... it’s a French region in Canada… sorry dad! It was a good game for all the players around the world, but I will never forget beating all the other countries, so what if I didn’t win… I still beat the boys! J


Thursdayyyy roles around and the French were throwing a party… and the best part is… you have to dress French… well I don’t have anything that says, Bitch, or I am stuck up in my closet... soooo Micki and I attempted to go shopping, no I didn’t find one thing... boo L!  But I ended up putting something together that I already had... will you look at that!  We started the party at my favorite apretivo… la Druggaria (mom member??) best food in the WORLD! And we sat around and laughed and talked... but as the hours passed I began to get very “tired” and the next thing I knew I was home… weird! And looked at my phone and it was only midnight…. WHAT!!!?!? We had started so early that I got too tired and then regretted my decision when I was lying in bed... I almost got redressed and went back out.  But before I could pulled the covers off my body I had passed out… hahaha!


FRIDAY… I honestly can’t remember what happened…


Saturdayyyy the GIRLS CAME!!!! Micki and I picked them up from the bus stop and showed them a little of the city, but they just wanted to relax and chill because they had been traveling for a week before and wanted some down time… hey! I’m all for it! That night we got all dressed up and went down to River with all the CLUBS! Woot woot! I have missed it so!!  We arrived at this club that I had no idea existed and ended up having SOOO much funn! Nick my friend from school bought us bottle service…! Hahah thanks! It was an exciting moment for the Americans! hahah And we danced and partied till 4am in the morning… hhaaha


Sunday!! We had brunch with champagne! J Well it was pizza and champagne... the brunch was Italian style... typical! We were planning on making it to the Mole… the cinema museum... but didn’t quite get there... oops! MONDAYYY.. not exciting, since obviously I didn’t do any homework over the weekend… J Monday was catch up day… ahhh and there was a lot to be done… till next weekend… AMSTERDAM!  



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