This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Switzerland!!!.. SUNFLOWER!

Okay… I know you are all upset with me because I am late with my blog.. but I don’t think you guys understand how busy I am.. and I want to make sure that I am giving you the full experience of my life here in Torino.  Okay ready set, BREATHE!

            Sooooo basically these past weeks I have been going out almost every single night and trying to live up every moment. Micki and I try not and waste time… even though we have had our moments of doubts about studying abroad… we always try and look at the bright side and laugh about all the things the Italians are charging us for.. hahah and to top it all off.. I have been sick for like 2 weeks because I REFUSE to stay home and do nothing!!! .. but don’t worry I am better because I was in the last 2 nights.. hahah.  But besides the some of the down falls there are so many upsides.  Meeting all my Italian friends at school, “caio caio!” As I pass them in the hallway, its too much fun!  The weekend before this last one Daniel Micki’s boyfriend and Ashley her roommates boyfriend came to visit the girls in Torino.  We went out to partied and showed the boys a good time but unfortunately Daniel Micki’s boyii couldn’t keep up… aka 12:30am too tired to function… aka.. we went home. This guy comes from the Den Hague, close to Amsterdam… WHAT?? He couldn’t keep up with italy?? He claims its all walking… haha I just looked at him and laughed.  We went to different clubs every night and had soooooo much fun! The boys made the weekend so much fun!  Unfortunately everything comes to an end, and they had to leave to go back to their abroad programs… Daniel to Holland and Ashley’s boyfriend Keith traveled back to Barcelona.  The week continued SUPER fast and before you knew it we were on a train to Switzerland.  My friend from high school.. I call her Sunflower J, I haven’t seen her since I was a junior in high school… but I couldn’t wait to see her face! It had been so long that she was SO excited to see both Micki and I and meet Ashley for the first time.  It made us feel so good that she was so welcoming and open to share her life with us for the next 4 days… J


            We took a train from the Torino train station to Sierre Switzerland.. 4 hours later we arrived in the cold country and Sunflower met us! She was SO excited to see us! As were we!! Her friend drove us up the mountain from the train station to the top where she goes to school… her school is NOT at ALL like the school I go to… they have to dress in business suits everyday, let just put it this way.. its so strict that they are not allowed to wear nail polish… if anyone knows me that is reading this blog.. would know that I would get suspended within the first week.  (no one takes away my nail polish!!) but she loves her school and she knows EVERYONE! There wasn’t a person that walked by us that didn’t say hi to Sunflower… she said that she has been telling everyone about us for a week, and everyone has been looking forward to meeting us! That felt good too.  But of course Katherine has a brain fart and forgets that the Switzerland is on the Swiss Frank… DUHH I brought Euro’s and forgot my debit card… IDIOT! But it had enough money to the last 20 cent swiss frank! Hahah! Sunday was the fun day!  But the fun day ran to long and oops… we missed our train… oh and did I mention that the ticket man back in Torino told us 3 times, “Don’t miss this train, it is the last to Torino!” and of course living in Italy for the last 2 months has made me a the type of person to always add on 20 minutes to everything because the Italians are NEVER on time.  But of course the Swiss are… they wait for NO ONE! And what do you know.. our train left at 5:34pm and we got there at 5:45.. No train. Imagine my face, take a minute to picture it..! ya! NO BENE!  We caught the next train from Sierre to Brig—arrived in Brig then waited an HOUR for our train to Domodossla. When you miss your train in Switzerland they make you pay for it later… we were suppose to arrive in Torino (if we made our train) at 7:45. We didn’t get home until 11:35 I wasn’t in my bed until 12:30… Italy buses.. LATE! As I waited for the bus listening to my Michael Jackson songs remembering the weekend brought so many smiles to my face. The day before we left, the girls and I were at the train station, of course got a late start… J and tried to figure out where we wanted to go in Switzerland… Ashley has never been to this beautiful country so Micki and I were determined to make her Switzerland the best experience since ours was AMAZING! The train tickets everywhere we SO expensive to go anywhere in Switzerland, and since it was so late in the day we didn’t want to waste the money to go for a couple of hours.. so we found in information booth and asked her what will fully maximize our experience in Sierre. She told us to take a wine tour.. OKAYYY!!! We started at this castle that opened at 4:30pm at night, we went in and ordered the cheapest glass of white wine… duhh.. and drank and read the history on the wines and how the towns all round started sell their wines back in the 1800’s.  Very interesting!! After we drank our glass of wine.. which by the way was DELICIOUS, we started our hike. After reading about the wines in the castle and looking at all the different places they come from, we walked through different vineyards after different vineyards and saw all the grapes from Switzerland.  The views from this hike were breath taking… I cannot describe to you how beautiful this hike was.  I felt like the whole time I was waiting for the pins to fall and the mountains and the vineyard backdrop would fall from the sky.  It was so beautiful that it looked unreal! I hope that makes it better to understand. Hahah! Trying to make this as graphic as possible.  Even though at one point it started to down pour on us… it didn’t matter, it was too beautiful to complain! If you need to see it to believe it, email me and I will send you video of the hike.  I will be more than happy to share that experience with everyone!!!

            When I arrived home in Torino, it actually felt like home, I was happy to go home to my bed and unpack and shower and just be.. I haven’t felt like that in 2 months and after traveling for the weekend it felt good to call my little walk up apartment home…J! The next day I started my first day of Italian 2… ohh by the way for all you reading this you probably are wondering why I NEVER talk about school… hahah because school is school, and not interesting… but I will have you know that with all the going out and partying and drinking I received a 90% in my Italian 1 class, and got a 92% on my final the Thursday I left for Switzerland.. Work hard party hard… thank you Micki for that AMAZING quote! And NO the classes here are NOT easy pessy lemon squeezy.. we are not allowed to miss ONE class in ANY of the classes I am taking.  That means getting up every morning Monday through Thursday, being at school at 9am, feeling good or NOT!  I get the work done.  This week is a new week, and to make everyone SUPER jealous.. Micki and I are going to PARIS this Friday till Monday morning… oh yes… next blog… adventures in Paris! Caio caio for now!



Hope everyone is doing well!! LOVE and MISS you all!!!





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