This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Monday, September 28, 2009


hahhah omg where do i begin... this last week was one of the highlighting weeks of my life! going out almost every night.. and not expecting to have the time of my life everytime.. haah ok ready set.. ahhhh

tuesday night... operations management class.. BORING! no like pull my eyeballs out of my HEAD! after class the girls had made secret plans with the international students with the USAC program.. we needed to merge the nationalities... it was getting ridiculous! yes dad.. we hung out with the french!.. haha i know! but had SOOOOOO much fun! i was standing in a circle of people one from france, sweden, england, poland, and italy... what?? all over the world.. all speaking english... because uhhh i dont speak any of the following, but they all spoke each others languages.. feel like an idiot yet.. umm yep! anyway we talked about everything, California down to what to buy in the supermarket.. hahah what? they are all such GREAT people. We went to their apartment where we had a HOUSE PARTY.. and yes it was because the cops came.. oh ya.. i nearly almost peed my pants! anyway.. we were being LOUD! esspecially us american girls... it was micki, ashley and i, the only americans.. YES FINALLY! the USAC didnt over power the europeans at this point! woo! we were having sooo much fun! micki and i dominated at this game snaps.. if you dont know what it is, its a game where you decode famous people's names without actually saying their names... MICKI AND I RULED! hahaha the europeans were DYING! they were screaming at us trying to figure out how were doing it! it was AMAZING! for a minute i feared for my life, falling off the balcony. ahhah but the clothes lines would break my fall, that or the sheets hanging on them.. haha! the party got LOUD! when i mean loud i mean LOUD! the italian cops came and searched the apartment and was looking for drugs.. good thing europe believes in alcohol because that was EVERYWHERE! haha but no drugs were found, duh! they told us in italian.. yes italian, if we didnt keep it down the girls were going to be taken away in handcuffs and the boys to jail.. i dont know what they were going to do with us in handcuffs, but i kept my mouth shut from then on out! yes.. quiet blonde in the corner.  Micki made it seem like no big deal, but had to remind her that we were in a foreign country and their level of tolerance is A LOT lower than american cops as far as parties go.. yaaaaa

wednesday night... haha! another house party.. same europeans.. but this time we kept it short at the house and made our way to this club.. UM INSANE CLUB!!!!! wasnt expecting that! our french friends got us bottle service.. yes free drinks all night..unfortunately i didnt know that because i was waiting in the ridic long line for a drink...but ended up kissing the one of the french... :) oh the french! fun, SWEATY night! not expecting that! too FUN! walked home with josh.. my wonderful gay friend from philllyy.. and made pasta at 5am and ate it on my porch overlooking italy.. to bad he was gay... hahah! 

thursday... missed italian, first day missing, but you couldnt pay me a million dollars to get out of bed, there was NO WAY! and showed up 45 minutes late to my next class.. but wait it gets WORSE.. walked in with sunglasses and a bottle of water, can you say HUNGOVEER!!?? ohh but thats not even the worse part... all the europeans that we partied with were in the class... hahha we all looked at each other and laughed... hahah one of the french girls had it worse than us.. she came to school in her night before outfit.. hahah i felt better being in a different outfit but still looking drunk.. hahah good times! after class i made it home showered passed out and woke up for another night in torino! YES club.. chalet?? DOWN!

everyone met in our apartment and when i mean everyone i mean 25 people.. i almost had a a nervous breakdown.. kim and i RUSHED everyone out! i was not going to be evicted! nooo wayy!! we got there.. and rocked it! duh! borrowed alittle back dress from kim.. :) clevage exposed... not like me! so funn!!! i didnt get drunk.. i was happy all night.. but got taken down by a brit.. yes he took me down with him.. jerk lost his balance and took a sista DOWN!.. as i was wedged inbetween couches.. yes... ouch.. i was helped up it didnt hurt at first.. day after.. left side completely NUMB! uuhhh! i got home at like 4am, better than others one of the boys from chico walked me home.. what a gentleman, and went to bed... hahah!

fridayyyyy... SLEEEEP! i had to rest for the OKTOBERFEST! we left at 11pm at night and drove all night.. when i mean sleep.. HA NO! tour bus.. NOT comfortable! but i made myself sleep.. we arrive... GERMANY!!! 8:30 am... RAN after micki to get to a tent.. MADE IT! got a seat.. didnt think it would be possible... and sat.. beer in hand at 8:45.. drunk by 9:45... oh man.. on the table singing dancing 10am... oh ya 10am! what??? people EVERYWHERE!!! singing drinking yelling laughing.. ahhh it was heaven! i was DRUNK by 12pm.. epic! got some postcards.. talked to this german guy.. had no idea what he was saying just remember laughing a lot.. hah i think i speak german when im drunk.. omg! bought a hat... hahahah its a must.. i was being called a witch all day.. because i lookd like harry from harry potter.. seriously swish and flick your wand you freak! hahah

my friend taylor and i found a park.. aka.. go to pass out! and that is what we did! ahahah looking at all the people at this park.. hahah KOED! hahahah omg i couldnt even describe it... just try and picture it... :) we ate till i was sober... ahhh bruatwurst!!! mmmm and something else that was BOMB!! hhahah and nuts and ahh i couldnt get enough.. it was like the orange county fair with beer EVERYWHERE and drunk people.. epic! it turned dark.. ride time!! hahah i only rode a few because rides that are put up over night just freak me out.. am i right?? no directions please.. cement that into the ground and ill go on it.. other than that. no THANKS!

8:30am-10pm... yes... allllll day!! the bus is loading... everyone is making their drunk asses back to the buses.. hahah what a site.. by this time i am sober.. like SOBER.. and i am enjoying watching everyone slurring their words telling me about their day... and laughing at every drunk comment! hahahah LOVE IT! so everyone get situated on the bus in their comfy clothes including me.. wasnt easy changing with a bunch of boys trying to watch, but i managed to do it... haha but everyone PASSED OUT!! me too.. i think i was tired from the whole day and the no sleep from the night before, but everyone was PASSED OUT!! hahah what a sight!! then the next thing i know the bus is stopped at some random field, and i remember looking out the window and thinking... ok this is where i die.. the bus driver is going to kill us all, and i am never going to see my 21st birthday.. great... but come to find the bus had broken down.. AWESOME! 60 euro for this shit at 4:30am.... NOT OKAY! waiting there for 2 and a half hours the bus decides to work again, and we are our marry way again... wait no! 6:30 bus breaks down again!! oh yes again!!! as the bus driver cracked the engine over and over again... i felt like i was back with the BEAST..haha rumm rumm ruummm... gaagg gaggg. never came to life.. stranded!!!

7:30 again broken this time we are not going anywhere... we had to wait at this stop station in the middle of NO WHERE for 3 hours for a new bus from torino... and then had to go back to torino for another 3 hours.... ya not ok.. the most sleep that i got was on the pavement at this stop place... omg, never felt more like a bum in my life... eww! i dont know how they do that!! 

the bus finally arrives... and i PASSED out until we got home.. now just think about these tour buses for a second.. NO LEG ROOM.. shortage of leg room, i found myself awoken with my knees in my CHEST! ok ouch! neck cramp... hip cramp.. yes yia yia i feel you now... GOD!

TORINO!! ahhhhh home.... never been mmore happy to see my bed and a shower.. ahh it was better than anything i would have expected! yes!!! if anyone knows me.. they know that when i am dirty sweaty hot.. im a BITCH.. and after i have a shower and clean clothes.. i could be best friends with a mouse... it was that bad!!! hahaha but i am home, went to bed at 6pm and slept through the night.. ahhh nothing like sleeep when your tired... school today was eventful, got another italian test on wednesday, and i bought my MICHAEL JACKSON TICKETS TODAYYYY!!!! yes i am going to see his movie THIS IS IT!!! hahah i made it a top priority... next college apps.. haha i love you mom!

caio for now!


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