This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

PARIS!!!!... Rome is coming!

Hello to ALL!!

It is Thursday night and I am packing for Paris… the question iss… what in the WORLD do I pack that is going to keep up with the French womens style?? Haha I packed nothing of the sort, well I guess I am going to have to win them over with my personality again.. hahah! 2am  rolled around Friday morning and Micki and I caught a cab to the shuttle station to take us from Torino to the Milano airport.  It arrived at 3am and we took the shuttle for 2 hours to Milan.  Arrived in Milan at 5am to prepare us for our 6:30 flight. We flew this airline that is called Easyjet.. its an inexpensive way to fly when you are already here in Europe.  But they are STRICKED with the luggage that you bring on the flight, I has to not only weigh a certain amount but it has to be a certain size… hahah thank god I packed light, I was nervous about my backpack but it fit.. like a glove! We boarded and PASSED out for the hour and five minute flight, next thing we knew we were in Paris…

I cant describe the feeling I had when I got off the plane that morning, but the people around me were speaking French!! It was a trip coming from a country that speaks only Italian and then an hour plane ride you are in a different country with a whole new language.  I kept looking at Micki and saying... “We’re in Paris! We’re in Paris!!” it was soooo cool! We took this underground into the city which wasn’t so hard to figure out, when we had to get off and figure out where to next… that was that was the challenging part! Hahah you should have seen Micki and I, we were going back and fourth back and fourth on those stupid metro stops because it wasn’t stopping where we wanted it to stop… it took us a good 2 hours!! Hahhaah everytime we got back on the numbers would go up.. 5th times a charm.. 9th times a charm! Hahahah so funny!

We reached our hotel! And of course our room wasn’t ready… naturally so we sat and had breakfast and looked at our paris guide book that the hotel had from previous travelers and mapped out our weekend.  Since it was early we wanted to get some sight seeing done because we KNEW we didn’t want to cram it into one day! We walked to the Notre Dame and the Saint Chapelle, when we got the Notre Dame the hunchback from the movie was outside taking pictures with the tourists… charging them of course, I got a picture without paying! Haha but looking at this amazing church from the bottom you just cant help but look at it in awe and think how?? How did they do this? Without the modern technology that we have today… how?? The church was built for Mary and the town got together and built it for her, without being paid for their work, only to show her that she was loved… chills!

As we got inside I read to Micki as she fell asleep on my shoulder… aww tired little nurdle! And then she insisted that we get something else out of the way… hahah so we went to the Saint Chapelle where they have 15 stain glass hand crafted windows that tell the stories from the beginning of time till Jesus’s death.  These windows were HUGE! And so detailed! I forget the mans name that painted them, but it was a sight to see, it was a church for the king and his closest family to go and pray, and it sat ontop of another church that other people of the city would go and pray.  It was incredible. As Micki read to me I dozed off myself… hahah you have to read to stay awake for these things! Hahah

After that we walked around and got lost and slowly made our way back to the hotel.  We stumbled across a Greek place with take away greek food.. MMMmmMMM! Of course we stopped in and grabbed some food to go, and not only did it look so good, we couldn’t wait to eat it so we eat as we walked back to the hotel… IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOD! Reminded me of home! That night Mickis uncle was playing at this really primo primo party and we were on the “list!” Micki and I had NO idea what to expect but we were excited! We met her uncle at his hotel and headed over.  There was a before party that was so artsy and funky that I was just looked at the art and found myself with the weirdest look on my face… haahha I think I might have offended some people.. oops! I thought the art was really cool, but not my style.  The party was so chic and full of artsy people.. ahh it was a different atmosphere that’s for sure! After tat we left to go to the party party, and when we walked up to the door they weren’t letting us in because they couldn’t find our names… sweet! Then her uncle came over and got us in and Micki and I yet again were starstruck and just starring at people! Hahah the place was packed with important people, I didn’t know who any the hell they were! I could have been talking to one of the most successful richest person in Paris and wouldn’t have a clue! Mickis Uncle played AWESOME and we definitely enjoyed all the interesting weird people! Hahah the next day our friend Maggie Micki and I woke up had breakfast and headed out to site see! I wasn’t feeling good at all but I wasn’t going to let it stop me from seeing Paris!  We started off at the Eiffel Tower and took it to the top! That was SOOOOOO cool! Omg the tower is HUGE! You see it in movies but never think its that BIG! Ahh it was incredible! I couldn’t fit the whole thing into my camera lends! That was a shame!  But we got the top and it was a sight! Everything looked fake, and small, like a doll house! After that we made our way to the Arc De Triomphe which was another HUGE monument that I had no idea was so big it was surrounded by one of the biggest round-a-bouts I have EVER seen! Then Micki wanted to go to this museum and Maggie and I went on what I like to call the never ending walking tour! My feet were RAW that night! But she took me everywhere! The house of chanel, and the famous Ritz that was across the street, and then to the Opera that was one of the most beautiful opera buildings I have ever seen! And then through gardens and to the square called Place De La Concorde which is one of the most famous squares during the French Revolution.  It was the square where Marie Anttanett head was cut off… she had a monument.  And the famous Tile garden, ahh just too much! After walking all day we got back and passed out!!!! Woke up and went out at 10pm, to this cute bassierie in a square in the Latin Quarter, it was expensive but a wonderful view! The French men are gorgeous!!! Let me say that again… gorgeous! They are sooooo pretty! I found myself starring a lot… hahah it was so hard not too! I was feeling sick at dinner and decided to call it a night, but micki and Maggie went out and had fun! I cried because I didn’t want to feel like this anymore, but I wasn’t going to force myself to go out when I knew that I shouldn’t.  The next day was HELL! I literally couldn’t get out of bed, the world was spinning so fast and I couldn’t seem to get it slow down!! I was not ok! I got dressed (that was A LOT of work) and went to the Pantheon with Maggie and toured the inside.. beautiful, and then went back to the hotel and took a nap, I was planning on going to the Louvre but I was feeling so sick I couldn’t! I was happy that yesterday Maggie took me to the outside to see it. We sat there and people watched and talked for like an hour! So nice! That night I was feeling BETTER! Ah so much better! Micki Maggie and I walked down to the rive by the Notre Dame and got some food people watched and hung out before Maggie had to leave to go back to Lyon.  It was sad but all good things have to come to an end.  L then micki and I made our way tot the Sacre Coeur, it sits ontop of a hill that over looks all of Paris! It was soooooo beautiful!! And of course there was a guy playing his guitar singing and playing for all the people sitting on the steps… ahhh he was so Hot and beautiful! Oh man! He set up amps and a microphone and sang all the oldies slow music! Micki and I were in heaven! Having Paris behind him and singing all the songs that bring back memories from home.. it was the cherry ontop of a GREAT weekend!  Even though I was under the weather and Mickis teeth cracked and was hurting her… we still managed to find a grat way to end the trip with alittle music! SO FUN! 

Well got back from Paris on Monday afternoon, after waking up at 5am Paris time, catching a shuttle to the airport from our hotel, taking our 6:45am flight home to Milano. Unfortunately the torino airport doesn’t fly to very many far destinations so I have to take a shuttle to the Milan airport and then fly out of there, so when we landed we had to wait an hour for our shuttle to arrive at the airport Micki and I grabbed a quick bite. We arrived back in Torino and I have never been so happy! I love coming home unpacking and taking a shower! Ahhh theres no place like home! This week was bad.. I had 2 midterms and I was sick..YUCK! but my MOM is on a plane right now on her way to see me for her first time in Europe! I cant wait till she gets here!!


Till next week….! I love you all!

Caio caio

Katherine Ossipoff



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