This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Monday, November 16, 2009


hellloooo party people!!!

OKay i am going to describe one of the best, funniest weekends of my life!!! hahah are you ready here we gooooooo...!! 
London is by far one of my favorite places, i went to london last summer coming home from my second european adventure micki and i made our layover in london worth while and went into the city for the opening ceremony, 08-08-08!! they had it broadcasted around the whole city! it was epic! but anywayssss back to this years LONDON! i left for the porta nuova station to get to my bus to take my friend meghan josh and i to the torino airport at 8am... the night before wasnt an early night either... but we all made it. after taking the hour bus ride to the airport, josh and i talked about last night (thursday) and of course the usual.. "i did what??" "you ate what??" haahha we arrived at the airport and checked in and then went up to the top of the airport and had a coffee and breakfast (mom i had toast and latte... hahah at our SAME table!!) then we went to our gate and took our 2 hour plane flight to LONDON!!! the three of us we PASSED OUT! josh and i had a late night and meghan i think got bored and just fell asleep. We landed and it took us longer than we thought to get through customs... the line regulator guy was on our butts about the address of the people we were staying with... we had NO IDEA! we were staying with joshs friend back from Pitt, Penn and we didnt know our address, the UK border lady looked at us as she threw our passports back at us.. "NEXT" ummm ok?!?! so we called and figured it out and got our stamps and MOVED out!

after finding a shuttle to take us to the inner city, we were too excited to fall asleep, it was outside of london, the countryside and it was rainy and cloudy.. but welcome to LONDON! hahah we finally arrived in london and we were hungry... so we walked alittle bit down the road and Right after i was saying to meghan and josh.."i could really use some noodles from an asian restaurant!" we then came across the The Drunken Monkey!! hahah DOWN! we went inside and people watched! they had NOOODLESS!! hahah the three of us sat there and ate and drank and sobered up! hahah then Joshs friend Leah had work and came and met us at the restaurant adn we sat there alittle longer and then left.  

After we went down to the "Tube" which is what they called the subway... and bought our Oyster cards.. which is a card that holds your money for all public transportation, buses and the tube! it was fabulous, we only had to put more money on our cards 1 other time.. and it was easy and very efficient!!! and the english on the signs helped too.. hahaha.  then we took the tube to her apartment which was SOOOO NICE! yes they have a cleaning service, I dont want to talk about it... and she shares a room with one other girl and they had an extra bed in the room. all of us had our own beds and she provided us with towels.... UM INCREDIBLE! we got ready and went out!! and we danced until the sun came up! everytime we wanted to leave a bigger better song would come on!!! they played oldies, grease MEDLY!! haha and all the songs you dont hear on repeat in Italy!! hahah it was so great! the girls and i .. yes.. came across a group of cuties that basically followed meghan leah josh and i around the club all night, but towards the end leah came to the conclusion that she thought that they were gay, dont you hate it when that happens...?? we got home LATE but it was funnn walking in the rain and running after the red bus!! haha

the next day we slept until 9am, and leah, joshs friend woke up early and mapped out what we shoudl do for our day in London, walking tour!! it was detailed and idiot proof! even i couldnt mess it up. after we woke up we went and got a Starbucks... UM YES I KNOW!!! and then she explained to us how she mapped it out and what we were going ot expect.. she was FABULOUS!!!! we conquered it ALLL!!! big ben, the palace, where princess diana lived, the gardens, the big park, the guards, abby road, platform 9 3/4.. harry potter!! and soo soo sooo much more! oh notting hill, yes i took a picture in front of a blue door hahah! we did it all!!!! josh and i threw leaves in the park... and for lunch we ate fish n chips... DUHH and had a beer.. yes a REAL british person! hahha we were out from 11am-6pm... we got a text from leah.. are you guys still alive??

we got back to her apartment and she was SO SO SOOOO proud of us that we completed the list! and we were too! the whole day was full of laughing and and jumping around, and having funn! i seriously have not had that much fun and laughed that much in such a short span of time... it was so so sooo much fun! we got back and flopped, we rested our feet and then an hour later we went out to dinner to this INCREDIBLE lebanese food... sooooo good!!!! and then we went back and got ready to go ut.. it was weird to me because the british go out early at like 5 or 6 to start the night and go home at like 2... we arent use to that.. we are used to not going out until like 11pm... so it was harder for us to get ready so early but we did! that night after dinner we went back and got ready to go out... yes to a gay club/bar. and YEs the club is called G-A-Y! hhahah and there were PLENTY of them! hahah we waited in line for like 35 minutes and i couldnt use my "sono americana!" they would literally slap me.. because yes they speak english too... hahah so we had to wait just like everyone else... but we got close to the front and the cover charge was like 10 pounds and we had to catch our bus at like 3 and it was already like 12:30 so we decided not to go in because it wouldnt be worth the money to be in there for an hour, but the people watching was worth the wait!! hahahah! the game we played all day was "is he gay or just british??" what a game!!!

so we got back to her apartment and got packed and ready to go, i slept for like an hour and then had to get up and take a cab at 3am to our shuttle service to take us to the airport... we slept, got on the plane, and slept... that ride was alittle more painful because i woke up with a huge Kink in my neck.. ouch! and then when we got to torino we got some breakfast and waited for another shuttle to take us back to porta nuova train station... 3am till noon... of traveling... i got back to my apartment and slept till 10pm.. my roomate literally thought i was DEAD!! hahahahaha woke up showered unpacked and went back to bed, had 2 of yia yias cookies and went back to bed! hahahh mondays are catch up days..... i have been here since 12pm today and it is 6pm.... yaaaaa this week i am excited for because Nicole Talisse and Bryanna Burhart are coming and micki and i are going to show them a good time!!!!! next week i am off to AMSTERDAM!!!!!!.... :)

till then! thank you all for following my blooooggg! and i hope you enjoy them! facebook pictures are being put up as we speak, so check them ouuuttt!!! I love you ALL!!

ciao ciao!


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