This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Thursday, November 12, 2009

helllloooo everyone!!! i hope you enjoyed the last BLOG! forgive me for all the spelling errors and the grammar.. i barely have time to write these so they are written really fast! hahah! at this very moment i am in italian trying to pay attention and i cant, because i am leaving for london in a day.. how can anyone concentrate!?!? anyway... as you all know my MOM came to europe for her first time ever and we shared a living space the size of my closet together for three weeks, and no my closet back home isnt a walk in closet... :)! but i was happy to share and retain the body heat.. it is now FREEZING in torino! haha GRRREEEAAATT! So when my mom arrived in the torino airport i ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her and began to cry.... 20 minutes later i let go and wiped the tears away from my face and took a deep breath and embraced that she was actually here... in the flesh... no more emailing for a week!!! she brought the other half of my closet with her as i unpacked when i got back to my apartment, it was like Christmas Morning... not new clothes just different! hahah so after i unpacked i wanted to show her around MY town! and off we went! down to the River Po where the night life was, and then stroll in the park and then to my FAVORITE square Piazza San Carlo! ahhhh one of the biggest squares in italy... so my mom told me.. hahah she knows more about italy than i do... hahah funny! then we sat and had apretivo (mom wasnt a fan but it wasnt my favorite place either) then we came back and went to bed...  she was tried and recovering from my sickness i was in no way complaining.  One swig of my mom magic cough syrup and i was OUT! thanks mom! the next day was HALLOWEEN!!!! and yes the costume of choice in torino was a witch... original! mom and i ate at a CUTE hole in the wall place that i didnt know about and had the best dinner.. what mom was looking for to eat and me as well!! PASTA! its funny though because all i eat is pasta and pizza, and i get sick of it, but when i go to sit down and eat thats all i want is pasta... weird! then after dinner mom and i walked around and people watched... hahah all the funny people in their costumes. Then when we got back to the apartment we changed into our pj's and said it almost at the same time... "i hate halloween!" hahah we were in bed by 8pm, with her jet lag and me just wanted to catch up on my sleep my roomates were SHOCKED that i wasnt going out.. after that my mom had to ask my roomates what time i usually get in. they all said, "way after us!" hhahah i laughed and tried to brush it off, mom found it funny! thank god! the next day we took a train to ALBA! its the wine town... and they had their annual truffle fair, and wine tasting, i wanted to take her there! nothing of what we had expected but still SUPER fun to spend the day with my mom outside the city!the whole next week i had school, coming back and fourth from school and going out and doing stuff together.  thursday came and we bought our tickets for the night train for our destination for ROMA! mom spent the day at home all day because things just kept coming up and i didnt get home till 5pm.. had been gone since 8:30am... SORRYYYY!!! we packed and headed for the train...We had a cabin with 3 other italian women and i had the best seat in the cabin, and my mom had the lady next to her with breath that could kill someone... and ashley sat across from her and this lady had her feet up her butt.. this lady was just horrible! but it was great because the 5 boys from our program kept us laughing until we decided to go to bed, so that was the only upside! 8 hours later we arrived in ROME! 6 in the morning.... we found our hotel and passed out till noon, then we went out and saw the town! that night we enjoyed an amazing dinner with all our waiters loving us! after that mom ashley and i went to trinity college!!! its a PUB that i went to when i was in Rome 2 years ago, and the bar tender remembered me.... must have made an impression dancing on the bar...! hahha good times! it hasnt changed one bit! filled with men almost to a 20 to 1 ratio... good for girls bad for men! hahah mom decided to go home because she felt awkward... i was upset! we could have ROCKED IT! (dont worry dad... there were some silver foxes looking our way... but she left :) ) Ashley and i lived it up.. we got men coming up to us wanting to buy us dinner, and buying drinks, shots.. ahhh! so fun! 4am... hahah we arrived at the hotel, mom let us in and heard us from down the street.. (i am so loud!!) we went to bed and hopefully was able to cite see...  hahahha! the next day we went to the colosseum and the old roman ruins, and the old city and all the information you could know about how Rome first started.  SOme of the stories i couldnt help but laugh because tey just seemed to ridiculous to make sense, but i'll believe it. that night we had dinner at the Pantheon which was BEAUTIFUL after circling it and looking for it for like an hour, when we got there it was closed.... of course! but we went to a famous coffee shop and had coffee! mmmm it was so yummy! and then we went and had dinner starring out into the square with the Pantheon as our view and a music playing in the back ground, it was a picture perfect moment! ah we all had AMAZING pasta again... hahha and after dinner the Pantheon had opened and we toured the Michelangelo masterpiece! ah what a site! then back to the hotel to shower and get ready for the pub crawl..... Spanish Steps is where we met and we walked 5 miles that night... no lie!!! had A LOT OF FUN! but i wont do another pub crawl again! hahah the next day sunday we got a ticket to FLORENCE and checked into our hostel that upgraded us to a 3 star hotel which was fabulous and we had free dinner and free breakfast and yes it was YUMMY! we woke up sunday and went sight seeing all day and then shopping... alittle... and then got on a train and headed to PISA! literally took 20 pictures and only had an hour to get there and get back before our train left.. made it JUST in time to take pictures before the sun went down, ANNNDDD buy a postcard and bolt on the bus (no we didnt have bus passes) and went back to the station with 10 minutes to spare.... AWESOME! check off my list!! yes i pushed the PISA tower over.. hahah you will see the pictures soon!--via facebook

the train ride back from PISA was 2 hours, we laughed and snuck into first class and got kicked out... and the train was alittle rocky so i found myself in those SMALL hallways in the train lugging my suitcase, and clinging to the windows because of the sharp turns... mom had a good wheezing laugh... hahah me too!! hahah we had some funny times in Rome! mom will always remember and i am so happy to have been there for her first european adventure! Home in Torino flew, i had to get back in the grove of school and mom was getting all her stuff together to go home.... sad!!!!!! today i took her to the airport (thursday 4:30am) we woke up and it was unreal for me... has 2 weeks really just flown by??? why is time flying??? but when i am in class it couldnt go by any slower!!! ahhh! but we woke up this morning and took the shuttle to the airport and arrived early... and sat and had a coffee and toast.. mom you can decode what toast means in the states... :) and we sat and talked about life and everything i miss talking about... then it was time to part ways.... the tears rushed down my face faster than i could wipe them away...! ahhh i hate saying goodbye! but she will be home tonight and dad YOU MISSED HER A LOT!!!! hahah its ok... i miss MY WHOLE FAMILY!!!!!! but time will still continue to fly and i will be home before you know it!

this weekend i am off to LONDON... London calling... (sing with me!!) hahaha Mom i LOVE LOVE LOVE you! and i had the time of my life with you! the memories i have with you here will be in my heart forever... but on my way home from the airport everything reminded me of you.... ya more tears! ah! i LOVe everyone that follows my blog! and i will be writing after LONDON!!!!! caiooooo for now

Family forever :) 


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