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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Monday, January 18, 2010

last night in torino!!!!

Last Day/ Night in Torino: December 17th, 2009


First of all I would like to say how happy I am to be back in Torino where I call this place home… Traveling for a month can take a lot out of you, with being on time and early to catch your train, bus, ferry, plane, or donkey… it can get stressful! But before I get into my Christmas break I’m going to tell you alittle bit about my last night in Torino with all my wonderful classmates that shared the whole semester with me in Torino.  Deep breath… hmmmm… okay, so we had all just gone to school for our farewell meeting where USAC had given us cake and drinks (non alcoholic) to say our last thank you’s to our teachers the staff and friends. Now at this point it hasn’t hit me yet that everyone is leaving… to me it is like any other meeting place and then after we all get together drink, go out and dance the night away, so I wasn’t really “sad” at the going away party, but never the less we WERE going out!  The night started out at this Apretivo place that I had NEVER been to… but it turns out that it is one of my favorites now!!! BEST FOOD BEST DRINKS and EVERYONE was there, all the international students and the “USAC-ers” hahaha we had a ball taking up essentially the whole top level of this place and everyone just hugging and laughing about the times that made this semester so spectacular!  After all the food was eaten by the “French” hahah kidding the Americans are the pigs! Hahah oink!  We were all sitting around … I mean yelling across the restaurant deciding where to go to celebrate our last night together.  All the boys of course wanted to go to a pub and of course all the girls FREAKED out and shut them all down and said NO NO NO! we are going dancing!  Now I was in my dancing shoes and my Michael Jackson hat… I was ready for anything!  We end up going to this place down by the river Po but alittle further back and underneath this restaurant was this night club that we had found in the beginning of the semester but went back every now and then. Tonight was a PERFECT night to go back because we had the place to ourselves! Well throw in a couple creepy Italians but other than that it was EPIC! Everytime you turned around it was someone you knew… and it felt great, hugging and kissing and crying and laughing! It was an amazing, amazing night!  Everyone was dancing their hearts out, on the bar on the tables ahh the atmosphere was like ecstasy.  But as we all know great things always have to come to an end.  I remember at one point in like mid sond—mid dance move I like stopped and started crying…OMG! And then everyone threw their arms around me it was sooo HARD!  That night I said good bye to everyone and it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.  I walked home with Josh and Meghan and we all held hands the whole way home!  Talking about all the crazy things we ran into last semester and how funny this night was and the last! Ahh so many crazy nights to remember.  We finally reached my apartment… and it was time to say goodbye to them, and I couldn’t hold the tears back, and when I started crying I couldn’t stop… it was an ongoing waterfall on my face that I couldn’t control!  When I got upstairs to my apartment my roommates were there and I want going to fall asleep so I took a shower and stayed up and talked to Jessie, Naomi and Jenna till the sun came up.  Their cab showed up around 6am I think... and the tears started again! Ahhh saying goodbye to the people that I had shared my apartment with and essentially my life with for the past 4 months were gone! I cannot describe the pain that throbbed in my chest… it hurt tooo bad.  Mickis roommate Ashley was leaving at the same time my other roommate Kim was so they shared a cab, so when Ashley showed up at my house those tears were tears like I was saying goodbye to a GOOD friend… Ashley had hung out with micki and I everyday and every night… so we had developed a close relationship, so saying goodbye to her was one of the hardest!  When the cab drove away all I could do was hug micki and not look… I couldn’t watch all these people leaving my life, and all at once.  It was SO hard! Even though this was over a month ago the tears still weld up in my eyes as I am typing this out.  After the cab disappeared down Via Madama Christina Micki and her other roommate Taylor came up to my apartment so that they would have to be alone.  We all sat around and cried and cried and cried.  I got internet in my apartment that morning and my dad had sent something to me so inspirational… words from my brilliant father…

            “well, all of this is very emotional and that is the part that is exhausting.  Believe me, once you settle in and catch a good nap or sleep, you'll not only feel better but realize that you are collecting terrific coins of friendship and making the memories that will make u smile when things seem sad. Another adventure awaits in a couple of days.  More stuff to experience and more stories to create.  It all weaves very nicely into this tapestry you are creating; a full-colored and richly appointed fabric that is your life, Angel.  I love you.” 

And he is right, I read this to micki and Taylor and they began to cry again, but he was so right, even though its hard now, your adventure has already begun, your bound to hit bumps in the road but that’s what adventures need… and the adventure that I’m about to embark on is highly dangerous and flammable… kidding… ready? 

i will be getting the next one out tomorrow.... bare with me... i dont want to leave anything out!



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