This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Thursday, February 11, 2010

P to the R to the A-G-U-E! PrAgUe***!!!


            So after road tripping for I don’t know 9 HOURS! Ahh! I was soooo ready to get out of the CAR! Omg my legs were in my chest, the only thing that was getting me by was the fact that Kate and I were so out of it that we were making each other laugh soo hard!! Hahah drawing things on the foggy windows, and saying California slang that Bence the true Hungarian thought was hilarious! He really liked my black girl impression… no I didn’t do the black girl dance…! Hahah! But everything I was saying he was like repeating it, it was a cute little car game I guess.  I fell asleep for a little of the trip and when I woke up it was so cute Bence looked at me in his mirror and said, “good morning sleepy head,” now at this point I was smiling but I was really thinking about if I had drool coming out of my mouth or if I had laying with a double chin showing.. perfect! I just smiled and hummed.  He played all this amazing music from his ipod, and I kept freaking out inside because all the songs were so perfect and soothing and I knew all the words… when Kate woke up we sang all the words to each and every song until we reached Prague! Hahaha! Bence liked it, Roland not so much, I came to the conclusion that Roland was gay, but Kate needed more proof. J I made a list and showed it to her over a pint of beer and she agreed! Hahahah! So we go there Thursday night and didn’t get to our hotel until like 2am, sooo we called it a night.  ROlands parents had credit points so we got the hotel for 2 nights for freeeee!  When we got up to the room there was one big bed and then one single, and of course Katherine makes it awkard and says, “So whoever gets the big bed better know that I sleep naked… sorry.” It was too early and I was too tired to even come up with a laugh after the comment, so everyone else started laughing, but not me, so I kept it going… J and Roland was like, “I don’t care I mean Bence and I can sleep with you in the big bed and Kate can have the cot (Rolands gay comment)… and Kate came out of the bathroom and said “easy boys, Katherine is sleeping with me and one of you horny boys gets the pull out”  still not laughing… the guys watched me walked into the bathroom to put on my pj’s, and when I came out Bence was chosen to sleep in the bed, I took the FAR side and passed out!

            The next morning was funny because I was woken up by Roland asking me if I had hair jell…(gay) and I was half asleep and was like, “do I look like I wear hair jell? What time is it?” he just walked away. Hahah! Wow! I thought it was a dream so when I really woke up I was like what the heck?!?!  Kate and I got ready and ditched the boys to go sight seeing, they wanted us to come to Rolands new film school he is attending in Prague and Kate and I got out of that one really fast.  It sounded fun in the beginning but it was orientation, and I didn’t like mine sooo I wasn’t going to sit through another one if I didn’t have too! Hahah! Kate and I walked around and saw the city and it was FREEEZZINNG! Omg! I went in the summer time and it was SO hot ad coming when it was cold was soooo different! It didn’t even look like the same city!  We walked along the river and took pictures and I told her about all the things I did when I was here the last time and she couldn’t get enough of my stories! When I got dark we were walking back to the hotel and we were stopped by the Prague “Bar Crawl” people and we were looking at the flyer and looked at each other and thought ehh its Friday night… lets do it! We went back to the hotel and the boys were gone and we got ready and left!  This bar crawl was one of the best I have EVER been on! When they mean all you can drink, they really aren’t kidding!  we met these guys from Wisconsin.. weird… but they were really nice.  We started at this Bagel place and drank literally for like an hour.  I got DRUNK! Not to the point of being uncontrollable, just happy! Talking to everyone, and I don’t mean to toot my own horn.. but people were coming up to me wanting pictures with me.. it was EPIC! One guy in this group of British was like I have a girlfriend, and all his friends pushed him out of the picture… HAHAHA! I was in this picture with at least 10 British guys and just me… I was AWESOME! Tag me! Hahah! I was talking to this one guy and he was SUPER nice he bought me a beer, and I sware I don’t know what kind of beer it was but it was AMAZING! Like drinking candy water…(that sounds gross but you know what I mean!)  dancing and partying it was amazing! I got stopped by this guy and he grabbed my wrist and said traitor!!! I was like, umm do I know you? He said that I was on the bar crawl of the enemy! And I kindly told him that I would attend his bar crawl tomorrow night, but he didn’t have a flyer for me… I was like ok well then I guess we’ll have to leave it up to faith! And he walked away, as I took another drink of my beer I laughed to myself because I knew I was never going to see that person again! What a feeling!

            We made our way to another bar, our 2nd at this point… and it was RAD! Ah! Huge dance floor and cute guys EVERYWHERE! Name em… Aussie’s, Brits, USA, Brasil, Mexico, Agrentina.. ayyyyiii! It was unreal!  I was dancing with this girl I met, I don’t remember her name.. haha …oops! And she was RAD! And then this Australian came up to me very slily and asked me if I wanted a drink and winked… now I don’t know how the Aussie’s approach girls in Australia, but this made me laugh out loud, because you knew that he was cocky and into himself, and the fact that I laughed in his face made his ego hit the floor…oops again! Hahah! But I “let” him buy me a drink! The next thing I know he’s whispering how beautiful I am in my ear and how much he loves California, bla bla bla! I’m so romantic.. can you see it? His name was Shane and the first thing I thought about was Shane Collins ahhh my crush for life! J I told him that I will make it to Australia one day, and he told me he would give me a private tour of the island on his boat… I was like alrrighhtt lets go!  After a kissing him… J for a while, we left the bar and Kate wasn’t feeling well so we left it was like 3am and it was time to head home.  We got back to the hotel and the boys were already back in bed, and I seriously don’t know what came over me but I couldn’t stop laughing!... honestly I kept saying, “I don’t know whats funny but I am laughing!”  Bence woke up and started laughing at us… which was funny too.  When I went into the bathroom and changed I almost ate major porcelain because I tripped over the cord from the blow dryer and almost fell into the tub… uhh that was a close one…! When I got into bed I still couldn’t stop laughing… Bence was a good sport and kept laughing because he thought we were funny! Haha!  As soon as I could control myself I passed out.. niiiiight!  Our next day we woke up and went on a free walking tour of the city which was wonderful… and longg…and still freezing! But all in all it was one amazing Christmas break!


From Torino-England-Ireland-Scotland-England-Budapest-Prague--- WOW!!!!!


Hope you have enjoyed your journey with me.. I am sorry it took soo LONG but school has been crazy and I am working on a little project… everyone will know what it is when I get home J  hope all is well with everyone and know that I miss all of you!!!!!!


With sooo much LOVE!..... next Blog… VENICE!... don’t hate me  


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