This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

SPRING BREAK! 2010! days before LEAVING!!! part #1

Spring Break Blog part #1!!!


Okay, soooo Spring break was kind of a long time ago… but I am going to try my best to get all the details into this blog and hopefully get a laugh out of it. Mickis friend Lauren Ann Banahan came to visit Micki and I in Torino to join us on our adventure through Sicily for Spring break. Laurens parents joined her in Torino on the on that Wednesday before the break started and when they arrived they wanted to take Micki and I to dinner, so when we finally got out of class and trucked our way to their hotel we arrived late (Italian time) and finally got to meet the family. We walked around Torino showing them the major piazzas and streets that I fell in love with when I got to Torino. We finally reached a restaurant that was one of Micki and my first ever in Torino, and it still kept its hype. After entering the bar tender knew that we were Americans and poured us all vodka shots… bottoms up… of course as the shot goes into my mouth half of it goes the proper direction and the other goes down the wrong pipe… wonderful! I start coughing up a storm… good first impression, my excuse to Laurens dad… sorry I never drink here…! It got him to smile. We finally sat down and had a wonderful dinner with starter and wine and a main dish. Staying out till almost 1am, we got back to the hotel and picked up Laurens stuff she said her goodbyes to her parents and she was ALLLLL ours! Dum dum dum dummmm!!!! That night we get to murphys (an irish pub) to meet up with my roommates and friends. We sat around talking and laughing but by Laurens face I knew that it was time to go home. We called it a night after a drink and went home and slept. The next day Lauren and I went to the Mole (famous film museum in Torino) and spent the day together, I had class so I had to take her home while I went to my night class…. After that micki and I went on a WORLD WIND adventure to meet a doctor that was carrying precious cargo… so we had to take this bus, like out to the MIDDLE of NO WHERE and wait for this lady, it was freezing! But we managed to make it funny! Of course! She finally got what she needed and we went inside this HUGE mall and went to the grocery store and bought dinner for Lauren micki and I. when we got home the boyzzz (Giovanni and Fabrizio) texted me wanting to go out… no after a long day sightseeing school and yet another classic adventure I was EXHAUSTED! But they came over and got us drunk… and yes, we went out! The club is called BIG and yes classy all the way! We danced all night and Lauren micki and I took over the dance floor with our sweet moves from David Guetta and fell in love with one of the dancers with the rockin bod.. and SEXY dance moves… he saw us staring at him and pointed at us and we all went weak in the knees. The boyzzz got alittle jealous considering we didn’t pay them any attention after the curtains opened and revealed my Italian HOT dancer! Ahh! Still get chills!
After being drunk and sweaty and thinking about the dishes I have to clean when I get home… I was ready to kick it! We left the club and I cleaned up the apartment, and went to bed in my empty apartment… ahh! LOVE IT! The next morning I woke up later… ☺ and cleaned the apartment… went to the store with micki and Lauren, and prepped for the night. I had invited all my Italian friends over to have dinner (again!) and meet mickis friends. Lauren as you know was already in town but her other friend Christel had gotten into Torino late afternoon. Micki and Laurent went and picked her up. I was chopping and dicing and cleaning and washing before the girls came over. We were running around my LACK of a kitch for like 2 hours.. rolling gnocci, getting sauses ready, it was a MAD HOUSE! But it was fun! I had music going and candles lit so no one would freak out (and to make the apartment smell good) Christel and I mashed the potatoes making sure there were NO lumps.. while we drank our wine! It was perfect! Micki and Lauren worked in the kitchen making something else… like 4 things at once.. but the apartment smelt soooooo good! We finished everything and had DOWN TIME before anyone had arrived.. it was a miracle! When everyone got there we had prepared eggplant casserole with red sauce and parmesan cheese… mmm and then pasta with clams, home made gnocci with white sause, and bruschetta for an appetizer and wine wine wine wine! Ohh yes and we DRANK! So much so that we yet again whipped out the maskes from Venice and put them on and continued our photo shoot!... ohh but wait.. some GENIUS decided we should play POWER HOUR! Now for all of you that don’t know how to play this wonderful game it goes alittle something like this… you take a shot of beer every minute for one hour.. you think it sounds easy.. ya no! we had some beer in my apartment so we started with that and then when the beer was GONE some other GENIUS whips out the VODKA… mixed shots of course… but picture 4 girls all from cali… then 4 Italians and one guy from our program ALL with masks on playing this game! LAUGHING and making fun of each other… the Italians thinking they are sly talking Italian and making fun of us… HA HA HA I know what your saying RETARDSS! SOOO much fun! Then it was time to go out! After the masks were put away and everyone was gathering up, I am running all over the house making sure the oven is off the gas is off, everything is shut and locked… im pretty sure I tripped a couple times.. freaking power hour… and as soon as I had everything done everyone had LEFT! I was like what the EFF!! Then I turn off all the lights and run downstairs and Fabrizio is standing there with the car door open for me, “cmon!” ran into the car and the music began to BUMB!
We got to the club, RITONDA! It was PACKED with Italians… now I know that if you are reading this you probably know that I am OBSESSED with dancing, well you SHOULD… but when we walked into this club NO ONE was dancing… it was like 1am, and everyone was just standing around looking at each other sipping their drinks… I was like OHH HELLL NOO! Lauren micki and I TOOK OVER! We jumped right on that empty dance floor and danced… of course bringing everyone else out of there slumber sleep to DANCE! I was sooo funn! When everyone caught on the dance floor was PACKED… Italians all up on the cali girls and Micki of course finding higher ground so that she see everything that is going on as well as dance! Now I don’t really remember a lot about this club because of our pre-party SESH but it was AMAZING! Leaving the club was a different story.. it was like 4am at this point and we had to catch a bus at 9am… hmmm so we left the club and went home. Walked in to my apartment… SHIT EVERYWHERE! Was like nooo!!! I managed to clean everything with the help of Micki and Lauren everyone else was too drunk… GREAT! Finished around 5am… and debated whether or not to fall asleep. Everyone left so it was me, Giovanni, Fabrizio, and Andrew, mickis president of her fraternity in Chico all under the same roof! The apartment was clean to my drunk eyes.. I was packed and ready to go except for my toiletries…. I dozed off… the morning of travel day… stay tuned!
……… this blog will be in several parts… stay with me!


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