This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Thursday, April 1, 2010



So as you all know I had a ROUGH night before my flight… but it gets better!!! So I passed out at 5am… knowing that I had to be on a bus at 9am… so we were suppose to leave my apartment by 8am, giving us enough time to take the public transportation to the bus that was like a 40 min trek. So I am SOUND asleep when I hear Andrew yelling, “Katherine WAKE UP its 8:15!!!” I was soooo out of it I JUMPED out of bed leapt over Allisons bed where Andrew was sleeping and ran to the bathroom, the goop from my eyes were clearing… (now I know how people with contacts feel) running back and fourth screaming, “you GUYSS get up I’m going to miss my flight!!!” running from my room to the bathroom and back again as the toothpaste runs down my chin… attractive! All I could hear is them cussing in Italian rolling over and say why why why!!! I had to SHAKE them to wake them up too… they weren’t happy. As the slowly got out of bed I was still running making sure I had everything… BUUZZZ.. crappp mickis here… I pick up the phone panting… “hey kat… theres a mask on the balcony..?” laugher on the other side of the phone… WTF! “okok I’ll be down in 2 minutes!” I run to the balcony and take the mask off of it… as the girls laugh from below… and the boys are now standing in the entry way watching me be a nutcase… (bet they never thought they see the day) I finally collect myself throw my HUGE backpack on… it looked like I smuggled a midget child in it… and we walked down stairs. Not only were the girls sitting on the curb but I could feel the vomit in my throat… JUST GOOO!!! Then Lauren speaks up and says, “wait wait I left some of my clothes upstairs from last night…!!!” I climb out of the car without even arguing and try my best to move fast, get to the top and run all over the house looking for her clothes and found NOTHING.. then I had remember.. “holy crap… MY PASSPORT!” I almost forgot it! Looking at Andrew in my roommates bed sleeping like a baby… just staring and thinking… ‘well I know where I want to VOMIT!’
I run back downstairs with the noises from a horn… yelling cmon cmon!!! I jumped into the shortage of an Italian car and we were off to the races… Fabrizio was sipping and swerving through cars and lanes… I couldn’t handle it, “FABS if you don’t stop I’m going to blow chuncks in your car… NO BENE!” we got to the bus station with 10 minutes to spare, we kissed the boys twice on the cheek and we were off to Sicily! Now on the bus I PASSED out… so it was the shortest 2 hours of my life! But micki had other problems… read her blog maybe she’ll include it. We get to the Milan airport and we are all HUNGOVER and look like haggered BEASTS…I went and got food and a water because I just couldn’t take another minute without it… and we waited for Lauren to get her boarding pass and headed towards security… now Italian security is WAYYY different than American security.. in the USA they make you basically STRIP down so that you have nothing but your knickers on… but in italy its like a game for the “security” men we of course look American and they see that we look like disabled retards so when I was putting my stuff in the bin this guy came up to Lauren and I and was like—“rough night”… Lauren had a sweater on that scooped low so you could see her bra, and I haven’t even run a brush through my hair. I looked at him and only thought one thing… ‘sir, if you don’t back off im going to shove this boot that your making me take off because of ‘regulation” and stick it where the sun DON’T SHINE!’ I think he got the point with my look… good reddens! We got to the gate and looked at each other in disbelief because we had actually pulled off what we set to do! Now I don’t know if you all know this about me… but when I am getting ready for a trip or a long drive… something that involves effort of ANY KIND I ALWAYS never go out, stay up late the night before these events…. Sooooo this was my fault! As I was getting on the plane I was telling Lauren that and all she did was laugh because at that point that’s all we could do… recapping the last 10 hours of my life and the amount of things I did… made me want to fall asleep for the next 5 days… but I knew that couldn’t happen!!!! We were off to CATANIA SICILIA!!!!!
We got off the plane… feeling alittle better, the next step was going to get our car. When we got there they didn’t have our reservation and told us that we didn’t reserve one blah blah blah… and then they lady just stood there… like okay next! And I was like, “ok so then why did my friend here make the reservation, has a confirmation number, and has it printed out and your ‘computer’ says we don’t have a reservation…” she was like “sorry, theres nothing I can do..” so then we all just stood there and I called Micki over because I needed her to get mouthy. Which she did, and had some awesome bitch stares at the lady… hahaha thanks mic! We finally figured out the car situation.. and the guy was like, “ya it’s a new model of this kind of car… blah blah blah,” he handed us the keys and we were off to find it… now before the trip started micki and I both told Lauren and Christel to bring CDs because we are going to be drive A LOT, and the radio is never reliable. So we find the car and its this little rent a wreck but it was ours! Red and small!! We get in all excited… and theres a cassette player… WHAT?!?!? They still make these???!?! We all just start BUST up laughing… omg! You come prepared and then instead of life handing you lemons to make lemonade it hands you an apple… no juice…! Well.. too bad didn’t think this through in September and brought my cassette ipod adapter… idiot! Hahah! We got the inspection with the car and then we were off. Now Sicily is known for its lack of signs… and noooo sign of direction of where you are actually going.. it took us like 2 hours to get to the central of Catania and to find our hostel. Feeling better than this morning we parked it and walked up the death marble stairs to out hostel on the 3rd floor… we really didn’t think this through… we made it to the top and when we walked in it was like looking at the set of That 70s show! RETROOOO.. groovy man! But it was Ikea sponsored. The people were SUPER nice and we got the “yellow room” now I don’t know if they were dropping acid when they designed this place but it was a trip!!! But cool. We had our 10 person room, but we were the only ones in it, which was wonderful. We dropped our stuff and drove to the nearest food joint… naturally! The pick of the day was good ol’ Mc DONALDS! Woot woot! Now since I have been in Europe I have not ONCE had the famous Miccii Deeees but I was still feeling like I needed something to make this thing leave my head, so we CHOWED! Totally worth it!
After that we walked around the center for a little bit and then we all decided that we would go back to the hostel SHOWER and take like an hour nap. When we got back we asked for towels and they gave us these towels that wouldn’t even wrap around my waist… smaller than a hand towel… we all just looked at them and LAUGHED!! Well this should be interesting!! After my shower I read about this beautiful city in the guide book and then passed out… didn’t wake up and nobody woke me up… YES! The next morning for some reason I thought we were leaving Catania and going to Taormina but obviously spend the day in Catania ad see the sights… but I got the days mixed up and made the girls pack…. Hahha oops and ended up screwing up… back to the yellow room for one more night. We walked to the piazza di duomo, this square was BEAUTIFUL. We got the famous aranchini (rice balls with ham, mozzarella, and rice) at this CUTE café and watched the old people come out of church and crowd around their cities monument symbol—an ELEPHANT! When I saw it I FREAKED out, everyone knows its my favorite animal (the fattest AND the animal with the best memory) so I took like a thousand pictures. After out cappuccinos were drunk and our bellies full we walked over to the duomo to go and have a look. There was a service in seshion so we walked quietly and took pixs. After that we explored the square and saw all these old people with their gelato linked arm and arm with their husbands… it was sooo cute! Aftr walking down a major shopping street (window shopping) this old man stops us and says “Americans!” I of course am like ahhh great here we go…but he like introduced himself to us, and told us that he is a lawyer here in Catania and that he was born in Taormina and telling us all the things we should do while we were here. The next thing I know we are being toured around the ENTIRE city with him as our little tour guide… telling us the significance about this building and that building.. it was AWESOME! We toured the famous Bernini Opera house FOR FREE.. it wasn’t even open, but he had a friend that partly owned the place.. or something… THEN we went to Bernini house that was converted into a museum which was also free, then to this art expedition for FREE and the people that worked there knew him and gave us these books on all the sights in Catania in English ALL FOR FREE! It was quite a day… to say the least… visited the American Base in Sigonella which they wouldn’t let us in… because we didn’t have a sponsor so we couldn’t go in, but I saw men in uniform USA! Woot! It was good enough even though it would have been awesome to sit in the mess hall and eat with them! Hahhaha!
We finally got back from our LOOONG day and went to this whole in wall restaurant which was AMAZING! The lady owned it with her husband and she came out and took our order, didn’t speak a LICK of English, so we played the guessing game with the menu and ordered a antipasti and a first dish and a second… it was BOMB! After dinner our full bellies couldn’t go out… ☺ another night in… good nights sleep! Up early and off to TAORMINA!!!—and mount ETNA!


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