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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Monday, April 12, 2010

SPRING BREAK! part 4!!--almost done!

Spring Break Part #4 Cefalu & Agrigentooooo!!
Now as you know like I have said over and over and over again… I did not by all means like driving around in SICILY… no signs no direction… nothing. Now driving to Cefalu was funny because the town in literally so small that we drove right past it. Population like 100, haha! No I’m kidding, but it was small. We get to our Bed and Breakfast and it is the CUTIEST thing, we have this HUGE room with original painted 18th century paintings on the ceiling and a view that makes your heart skip a beat. It was definitely one of our favorite places we stayed at so far. After we got assigned our room we decided to take a short nap, but it actually led into a 2 hour nap.. oops! We woke up and it was getting dark so we threw on some clothes and went out. Now by this time all of micki and my roommates are here with us. Not at the same Bed and Breakfast but literally 2 balconies away… ahhaah it was sooo funny! But we snuck out on the town without them… we just didn’t want to mob and be loud Americans. We got out into the main square and they were celebrating St. Joseph day and had cake for free (they were doughnut hole looking cake with sugar on them) and a huge fire right in front of the duomo. We took some pretty funny pictures. So after that we went and met our owner of our B&B for drinks and a VERY light apretivo. It was fabulous! Drank this incredible red wine, and talked about his life experiences and our life experiences… it was AWESOME! But the thing that I LOVE most about Italians is that the whole family live within meters of each other… SERIOUSLY! Especially the boys in the family… they NEVER leave far without their mommies! It is SOOO funny! So we stood and drank wine and picked at some food, and then the owner wanted us to join him for dinner. It was just next door and his brothers son owned it… HAHAH! The family keep multiplying! We sat and drank more wine before we went into delusional mode and before I knew it the place was empty and we had David Guetta playing on the loud speakers… that was Mickis doing. So when I came out of the bathroom I wanted the restaurant to turn into a night club! But it didn’t. We sat around alittle longer before we called it a night. We got back to our B&B late and put our PJ’s on and hit the sack! The next morning we had breakfast on the terrace over looking the ocean. As I sat there drinking my cappuccino I closed my eyes and listen to the waves… ahh home!
After breakfast we met up with our girlfriends and explored the town of Cefalu and went inside the duomo and looked around the old town. This town was soooo cute. There was one major street and everyone was out just celebrating the beautiful day. We did our last minute shopping and made our way down towards the water, where we took pictures and admired the water that was SOOO BLUE! It was such a beautiful day, and I didn’t want to be in the car all day driving to Agrigento, but we had to do what we had to do (rough life huh) so we got in our little cars and drove to yet another destination in SICILYYY!!!
We arrive at our hotel and it was ok… it was owned by a family and I SWARE the dad (very old) would follow us around and like speak to us in Italian and over and over again he kept telling him that we didn’t understand him because he was a mumbling Italian… it got SOOOOO annoying after 2 days, but the sons that helped were awesome! We arrived and checked in and we were shown a video of all the places we must see while in Agrigento. Now this city is known for their Greek Ruins… and I was ALL OVER THAT! GO GREEKS! I was honestly all over these ruins! But after the video we put our stuff up in our room… and seriously our room SMELT LIKE SHIT!!!! Sorry for the language but it was AWFUL!!!!! I complained and they put a freshener in our room that mixed the two scents that made it smell even WORSE! Ah just thinking about it makes me want to barf!! But anyways we dealt with it. So after we put our stuff down we took a walk along the boardwalk and got lunch and went to the ruins right after. We got the best of both worlds, we got to see them during the day and as the sun was setting and in the DARK! It was perfect! Ahhh it wassss incredible! I felt so proud… it was a feeling that I told one of the girls… I was like, “my great great great great etc. could have helped build these….” Maybe. I just thought they were sooo cool! We went and saw all the ruins that needed to be seen and we made a photo shoot out of it, it was funny! When we got back to our FUNK smelling room we got dressed and “went out” now the guy at the hotel told us that there was night life down by the water on the board walk… HAHAHA! I don’t know how aged this man was.. but I am pretty sure there was a CRACK fair going on with rides… and then like 2 restaurants open… FREAKIN FREAKY! But picture like ten girls all dressed and ready to go “out” and NOTHING was down there… hahhaah ! it was a sight! So we had dinner and went back to the hotel… eventful. The next day we went to the Turkish steps. This was one of the coolest things I have ever seen! They literally looked like STEPS and they were WHITE and you could climb on them, it was SOOOO cool! It should be one of the wonders of the world… that’s how cool these steps were…(google image it, SERIOUSLY) and I climbed them! Wooo! Then after we were done with the other photo shoot we went looking for a place to lay out… that was a mission… we spent like an hour and a half searching for a beach and the one we ended up at was rocks…. Ouch… and by the time we actually laid out it got COLD! The wind started to blow… and the sun started to set… PERFECT! So we laid out for like maybeeee 30 minutes and then called it a day. But sadly today was the day that Christel had to leave (mickis friend from chico) so we said our goodbyes and micki and I looked at each other and said… Public transportation the rest of the way!! That night we had dinner in the hotel and called it a night early.
The next day Allison my roommate back in Torino drove micki and I to the Shuttle bus stop so that we could get from Agrigento to Siracusa. We got on the bus and ended up in Catania…. Weird. But then we realized that we had to change buses in the Catania airport to get to Siracusa. So we waited for like two hours and had the best meal EVER! But as we were sitting having our meal we thought… hmm we have to leave out of here anyway in 2 days… lets go and find out how much it would cost for us to leave in 2 hours—the difference. So we set a 40 euro limit…and headed to the ticket booth. This lady was throwing out numbers.. oh it will be 10 euro for this and 5 euros for this, let me just total it up and let you know… (waiting)… looking at each other like SICK we can go home for like 30 euros! She speaks… ‘one hundred and eighty euros’… ya okay thanks crazy lady! We got on the bus and left for Siracusa!

… to be continued… ahh last place!


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