This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Monday, April 19, 2010

JANET COMES TO TORINOOO!!! part 1!!%&^*(^%&$#%

BLOG!!! Janet comes to ITALY!!!!
Hellooooo again! Now I know that these blogs keep people informed about my life… but at this point writing these blogs has become a mini peoples choice awards… its just another thing that I have to do, and I want to make them detailed because I know that later on in my life I’m going to look back on these and thank myself for taking the time to write these and read them over and over and over again and wish that I had written more, but for now… this is what you get! And I hope that you guys enjoy them as much as I do. But I wanted to fill you in with my life when I’m not traveling but I will dedicate that to another blog… JANET arrives!!
Janet got to Torino on April 2nd early in the morning. She landed in Milan Malpensa airport rented a car and drove to Torino to meet her two daughters living in the city (this is the women I learned to travel from… can you see why??). She got to Mickis apartment around 10am and I rushed over to see her. When I got there we hugged for a good 5 minutes… I wasn’t letting go, I felt like my mom was there… it was a great feeling!! She had come to Torino with her friend Diane, which later micki and I called her D the rest of the trip. She had lived in Germany for 4 years pervious and then moved back to the states. One week before our meeting D had traveled to visit her old German neighbors for a week and then met up with Janet to travel with us for a week. After we had our moment Micki gave her a tour of the apartment which lasted about 2 minutes… literally and then we headed out to see my apartment. After another 2 minutes tour we all headed to lunch… EATALY!!! We all shared fresh pasta and pizza… it was BOMB! After lunch Janet and D wandered Eataly for an hour and couldn’t get enough of the all the food and cheeses and meats… they were in heaven! After leaving Eataly I took Janet and D to our school to show them around… Janet enjoyed our brisk walk through and then we left, they were tired so I told them to go and take a nap and we would meet up for apretivo (dinner). We went o my favorite place called the Druggaria.. which is in my favorite piazza (Piazza Vittorio, one of the biggest in Europe) and had dinner, they couldn’t get enough of the food… it was incredible! We called it a night after dinner and went to bed. The next day Micki and I met up with them in Piazza San Carlo, which was very close to where they were staying and we went shopping and showed them around downtown. We went to the famous Egyptian Museum and took lots of funny pix. Then after our Museum tour we all went back to their hotel and sat around until our dinner reservation at my Italian friend Fabrizio’s restaurant. We all walked down to the Piazza and sat down and ordered. Fabs hooked us up with amazing appetizers and wine to go with! Ahhh! We were all in heaven… I think that D had an orgasm because her food was sooooo good (you had to have been there!!!!). then after a couple bottles of wine, we convinced the moms that it was time to go out and SEE the nightlife in TORINOOO!!! So we went back to my apartment threw make up on.. I changed and went to BIG!! (a fancy night club) the moms GOT HAMMERED! It was a sight! It was a FUNNN dance party, D was having SO much fun she got on a dancing block and danced with Micki so the whole club could see it was AMAZING! With Janet just staring up with a huge smile on her face laughing! AH it was a night! When it reach 4am Micki had walked over to D saying, “are you ready to go?” a true partier would only say these lines after that comment… “are we going to another club???” (Diane!) HAHAHAHHAHA I couldn’t stop laughing! How could this women have enough energy to out PARTY ME! But sadly we had to break the news to her that we were going home… I don’t thin kshe had a problem with it when she hit the pillow back at the hotel that night… Janet continued to laugh!
The next morning I awoke with a headache… DUH! And packed my bag for yet another week traveling italy… (I know I know hard life) and made it to Mickis apartment. When I walked into the door D was passed out on Mickis roommates bed… CLASSIC. And of course Micki being as hung over as I was, running around her apartment trying to pack the last necessities to leave on our road trip. We FINALLY reached he road and headed toward southern France, Nice (the town). We called our friend Claire that lives there (Micki and I studied with her last semester in Torino ‘USAC’…she was part of Erasmus) and she had told me that her friend was attending a party if Marce (France) and wanted us to join. Well of course Micki and I wouldn’t have said NOOO! So we told her we would arrive in Nice late afternoon on Sunday and she would drive us there and bring us home the next day. Micki and I PASS OUT in the car, and we wake up to see snow out the window… we look at each other… “ummm where are we?!?!” we were taking the route OVER the alps…which we found out later was the WRONG way to get to Nice because it was so long and out of the way. So we call Claire and tell her to leave without us because we got lost… HAHAH we made it past the Italian border to France.. going down the moutain… la la la la… the next thing we know we are reaching Italy again… HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??? Micki and were in the back just laughing… I mean what else could we do? So we finally got back on track and called Claire and she waited for us off the freeway. It was such a mission.. you have NO IDEA! When we finally met up we were off to her friends house, which Micki and I later found out that he studied a year in Australia… AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OY OY OY! So he spoke English… which Micki and I both let out a HUGE sigh! Listening to Reggae music with the windows down enjoying the French air! When we got to Romanin house (aka BOBO.. like boo boo hahaha) it was this CUTE little French villa… and he had the coolest room his steps up to his room didn’t have a railing.. so micki and I were like james bonding it up the steps because I was terrified of falling… it was pretty funny. When we got settled in his mom made us dinner… which I think that birds wouldn’t have been full off of, but hey do as the French do. Thank god I wasn’t that hungry! Haha! Then after dinner we got ready and went out. We arrived at this French house party, and when I say house party I mean an apartment with 3 rooms one of them being the kitchen. IT WAS TINY! But all the girls were dressed to the “T” while micki and I cruise up in flats and bohemian style, the look at us like were mar-chins! (I hate the French!) they are all nice to us in the beginning as micki and I take the walk of shame through this TINY apartment putting on a face for these snooty French…ahh! So micki and I made home base in the kitchen… haha! Where else, next to a window and of course it was open because if you don’t already know micki and I are like HEATERS and constantly need fresh air… and of course the French.. ‘I’m cold I’m cold!’ Micki and I would look at each other like.. ‘shut up you skinny bit** and put a coat on!’ ☺ so after standing in the kitchen for a good hour and a half (not drinking) the French were coming in and out of the kitchen to get more of there jungle juice from this punch bowl. I’ve never seen a mixed drink that color before so I wasn’t going to take a chance.. I wasn’t feeling rebellious that night. So after the hour and a half of soberness the French were starting to ask questions… ‘wheres all the alcohol…??’ and would immediately look at the sober sally’s in the corner… and of course micki and I got nervous and were defending ourselves, shouting… ‘it wasn’t us.. I think that girl has had a lot to drink… ask her ask her…’ if we already didn’t look like idiots. So after this ‘party’ we left for a club.. but then randomly while we were getting ready to leave like groups of four were coming in and out of the bathroom and I asked micki.. ‘what are they doing in there..??’ she responds… ‘oh, they’re just brushing their teeth…’ and I look at her and I’m like… ‘well don’t say it so nonchalantly… that’s WEIRD!’ we both laugh and say, ‘French…’ we get in BoBo’s car and are off to the club.
We get to the club and we have “VIP” seating… which meant NOTHING because when we got in the door we had like a couch and that’s it… whatever. But we were drinking and micki kept saying the whole time… ‘as soon as they get drunk they are going to be nice to us…’ sure enough, as soon as they slurped on their liquid courage they were all over micki and I, talking to us… laughing, saying that they want to come and visit… all micki and I could do is smile and look at each other. Then we hit the dance floor, with micki and my wicked dance moves we take over ANY club, but in this case we couldn’t move… we were packed in there like pickles! I felt like a flopping fish squirming around trying to make a sexy move to all these French guys and all they probably saw was a girl trying to be sexy but was confused on how the music went boom boom boom in her ear… it was funny after a while. Then after it got SO packed that micki and I headed for the door… we were SO over it! Then there was like this HUGE stampede of people trying to get into this club, I got knocked over twice with my shoes wet flying (YES my tory burches!!) so there I am hands and knees crawling on the floor trying to find my shoes… I was going to SMACK a bitch! Finally find them and as I reach the surface this big black guy (the bouncer) pulls micki and I out of the crowd and starts yelling at us in French!! I was like ‘are you freaking kidding me! I’m trying to get out of this mosh pit of a club and you think she and I are the PROBLEM!’ I got so mad then I just started pushing people not giving a CRAP finally reached the outside and took a deep breath and inhaled cigarette smoke… I didn’t even care… I was out of that shit show of a club. After micki and I stood there for a good 15 minutes these guys come up to us and start speaking French and micki and I just look at them and smile and nod. Then they kept talking to us when I finally said, ‘sorry I don’t speak French!’ then they bust out in english… ‘ahh you are so beautiful! Be my girlfriend for the night… lets go dance, will you kiss meeee, ahhh where are you from??’ all these hilarious things happened all at once. Then BoBo comes out and we pretend that he is mickis brother so then this guy asks BoBo if he can kiss micki and I BoBo looks at her and then looks at the guy and says “NO!” and then he puts his arm around her. Then I have creepy guy number one and two with me, and I have noooo escape goat, so I am like what do I do, what do I do! Then micki sees that I am in need of assistance and tells the guys that she was my girlfriend… well the WRONG thing to tell guys especially ones from Europe because they see this stuff all the time… porn is like normal to watch on a Sunday afternoon getting back from church or something…(HAHAHA) so then their like ‘ahhh nooo wayyy! Kiss you two kiss!’ and I was like ‘nooo children, run along!’ they finally left us alone, with BoBo’s help. By this time it was like 4am and it was time to GO! We rounded up the troops and left. Getting to the car we had to wait for one of BoBo’s friend, so we crank up the music in BoBo’s car and dance on the outside… cars were stopping to yet again watch the show. Coming over to talk to us, it was hilarious.. I thought Italians were pushy.. HA! So are the FRENCH! Wee weee hun hun hun!
Then we drove back to BoBo’s house, micki and I climbed into his bed and passed out, hahaha it was a great night. The next morning we woke up kind of later and went and had lunch at this CUTE place right on the water.. it was SO French! It was SOOO good! Then we went and met up with his friends down by the water and we were lying on the concrete right on the water with HOTTTTTTTT French friends! Ahh I was in heaven they were asking us about California and how much they want to come and work and blah blah blah, micki was telling them to come to the states and work at a French restaurant and speak only French, give the Americans a challenge! Hahaha! They loved talking to us!! Then after that BoBo told us that their was a surf competition so micki and I of COURSE we down! We get there and its not even surfing its guys on boogie boards doing tricks on their knees… micki and I were laughing! Hahaha! At one point I was like give me a board and let me show you how it’s done! (I don’t surf) then after that we went back to BoBo’s house picked up our stuff said our goodbyes and left with Claire! It was such a FUNN night and next day hanging out with French people that weren’t into themselves and totally mellow, it was refreshing! We drove back and met up with mommy Janet and D in Nice and said our goodbyes to Claire! The next day we had breakfast and headed out… on our way to the Cinque Terra!!

Another part 2… but I want to keep these detailed! ☺ wait for the rest of the trip!



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