This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

SIRACUSAA!!! last SPRING bReAKk!! part 5!!@!!!


So after our funny talk with the crazy flight lady we got on our bus to Siracusa. On the bus micki was reading the book that I already finish, its called The Art of Racing in the Rain if you are a dog LOVER you NEED to read this book… it is incredible! Anyways she was reading it the entire way while I read a magazine and slept! Haha! But we FINALLY get to Siracusa and we get off the bus and our hostel is literally right next to the train station.. idiot proof. So we walk in and it is NICE!! Brand new but sponsored by IKEA. But it was SICK! We met up with the girls and drank wine (I didn’t) and talked about their trip to Amsterdam before they came to meet up with us in Sicily. It was hilarious because some of their awkward stories happened to micki and i! HAHAH! Sooo great! After that we all went upstairs got dressed and went out to have our last spring break dinner. Now there was only one car, and the city center was like 3 or 4 miles from where we were so we all decided to PILE in this LACK of a car and drive to wherever was civilization. I drove… SLOW of course ☺ but seriously! We parked and made sure the car was in a safe location before we left it. We were walking for some time when we ran into this guy that speaks English… his name was John.. Ryan…I don’t know… anyways we were asking him all types of questions about his study aboard program blah blah blahhhh and we asked him what a good place to eat was… he SHOULD know. He told us to follow along the waterside and there’s restaurants all along the water. Perfect! Thanks! Umm he must have been smoking something because there wasn’t ANY places along the water… can you say GHOSTOWN! I felt like we had walked into a trap… like we were being set up. Then we walked down this RANDOM ally and found a restaurant that was like grandmas kitchen and took over the place. We ordered our meals and enjoyed more stories and company.
After dinner we decided to truck back to our car, which was like a mile away and call it a night. The next day the girls were leaving and micki and I had the entire day to explore the city. This was Monday, and the lady at the hostel told us to check out all these cool old ancient buildings so we were like COOL! We get to all these old ancient ruins and they are all closed… I should have known… Mondays in Italy are like Sundays… NOTHING IS OPEN! Living here for 7 months and I didn’t catch that! Hmm! So I blamed it on the lady at the hostel… SHE SHOULD HAVE TOLD US! ☺ so we reached the hostel and it was SOOOOOO hot, so micki and I put on our suits and headed to the beach. Now the beach was another 20 minute public transportation vehicle, so naturally we got there and what happened?? The wind began to blow, the sun began to set… OF COURSE! So we waited for like 45 minutes for the next bus… to take us back to central Siracusa. We went to the store and bought food for dinner because we didn’t want to spend another night looking for a restaurant, and we didn’t have a car to get to the central station.. so we bought it and made it at the hostel instead. This kitchen was AMAZING! Ahh it was HUGE, the counter space was amazing! And they had all the silverware and bowls and pots and pans you needed. And it was ALL new because the hostel had just opened. Micki and I were LOVING it! That night this girl moved into our 8 girl dorm room. She was from California (San Fran) and she was studying in London with her guy friend that was staying somewhere else in the hostel. But she was rad… I don’t remember her name because it was so unique but it was pretty. Anyways, she was really nice and personable which I was happy about (I always get nervous with sharing a room with strangers, afraid of them taking all my stuff and waking up with one kidney.. hmm). So micki and I invited her and her friend to dinner later. She said that they were going to go out and sight see but they would be back. When they came back we had the kitchen going… making our eggplant casserole and pasta with salad. We made soooo much that there were kids just hanging out in the common room and we just invited them to come and eat and hang out. It turned out to be SUCH a funny night. We told stories about studying abroad in Torino, which is ALWAYS a good laugh when you have micki telling the story. And then they told us stories about London but micki and I sat there like, ‘what the eff are you complaining about….?? At least your country speaks ENGLISH!’ it was great. After dinner everyone helped clean up and micki and I sat on the couch and watched movies while everyone else did the dishes. It was AWESOME! We stayed up late watching movies and I chatted with my parents via email and facebooked all my friends, and caught up on emails, and got my life together and organized for when I got back to Torino.
The next morning micki and I got up late had breakfast got ready and waited around for our bus. The sights were too far to go back and see again, and we had to catch our bus at noon. So we just hung out and waited till our bus arrived to take us back to the Catania Airport. When we got the airport, it was déjà vu!! We waited for our 4:30 flight to get back to Milan at 6:30pm. I talked to my Italian friend Giovanni and asked him if there was any business out in Milan that Tuesday and if soooo would he come and pick us up…. ☺ he said mayybeee. Sure enough that Tuesday morning he was like, ill be there! Micki and I were SOOOOOO happy! Ahh! Private transportation! Not getting home at 11pm at night! Instead we were home by 8pm… SOO nice! They made a sign for us at the arrival gate…’Katherine Ossipoff and Michaela DiChiro’ it was so cute.. but we didn’t see it because we ran our of the airport so fast. Hahah! But sure enough Gio walks up in his Armani suit and sunglasses hair slicked back… TOTAL Italian. And these Italian girls were OF COURSE staring at micki and I like what are Americans doing here… and Gio walks up lookin HOT and these girls JAWS drop! It was a sight! I was like ya that’s right bitches… you like that.. wait… the fabrizio pops out of NO WHERE and the girls are probably now shitting themselves… sorry… maybe in your next life sweety! (sorry for being kind of bitchy—but the Italian women ARE bitchy!) so we got into Gio’s car and drove alllll the way back to Torino and told them ALL about our adventures! They laughed the entire way HOME! It was sooooooo funny! Micki and I with our enthusiasm, telling them all the random stuff we came across in the magical land of Sicily. We also brought them back aranchini (the rice balls) they were happy!
It was a great way to end my trip because it all started with Giovanni helping Micki and I plan this trip and telling us where to go, what to eat, what to see, it was full proof Italian STYLE! And then having him pick us up right from the airport.. my two favorite Italians.. it was AWESOME! Not to mention the look on everyone’s faces that WE, yes we American girls had Italians picking us up from the airport. SWWEEETT! Sicily was awesome! Learned a lot saw a lot and had an amazing experience! Italy is everyone’s favorite destination and I am so happy that this semester micki and I dedicated our travels to ITALIA!

MOMMY JANET COMES TO ITALY!!!! More blogs coming your way…. Soon ☺


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