This is the blog of my amazing adventure in Torino, Italy! Follow it for an easy way to easily access my blog updates!

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Location: Torino, Europe, Italy

Monday, September 28, 2009


hahhah omg where do i begin... this last week was one of the highlighting weeks of my life! going out almost every night.. and not expecting to have the time of my life everytime.. haah ok ready set.. ahhhh

tuesday night... operations management class.. BORING! no like pull my eyeballs out of my HEAD! after class the girls had made secret plans with the international students with the USAC program.. we needed to merge the nationalities... it was getting ridiculous! yes dad.. we hung out with the french!.. haha i know! but had SOOOOOO much fun! i was standing in a circle of people one from france, sweden, england, poland, and italy... what?? all over the world.. all speaking english... because uhhh i dont speak any of the following, but they all spoke each others languages.. feel like an idiot yet.. umm yep! anyway we talked about everything, California down to what to buy in the supermarket.. hahah what? they are all such GREAT people. We went to their apartment where we had a HOUSE PARTY.. and yes it was because the cops came.. oh ya.. i nearly almost peed my pants! anyway.. we were being LOUD! esspecially us american girls... it was micki, ashley and i, the only americans.. YES FINALLY! the USAC didnt over power the europeans at this point! woo! we were having sooo much fun! micki and i dominated at this game snaps.. if you dont know what it is, its a game where you decode famous people's names without actually saying their names... MICKI AND I RULED! hahaha the europeans were DYING! they were screaming at us trying to figure out how were doing it! it was AMAZING! for a minute i feared for my life, falling off the balcony. ahhah but the clothes lines would break my fall, that or the sheets hanging on them.. haha! the party got LOUD! when i mean loud i mean LOUD! the italian cops came and searched the apartment and was looking for drugs.. good thing europe believes in alcohol because that was EVERYWHERE! haha but no drugs were found, duh! they told us in italian.. yes italian, if we didnt keep it down the girls were going to be taken away in handcuffs and the boys to jail.. i dont know what they were going to do with us in handcuffs, but i kept my mouth shut from then on out! yes.. quiet blonde in the corner.  Micki made it seem like no big deal, but had to remind her that we were in a foreign country and their level of tolerance is A LOT lower than american cops as far as parties go.. yaaaaa

wednesday night... haha! another house party.. same europeans.. but this time we kept it short at the house and made our way to this club.. UM INSANE CLUB!!!!! wasnt expecting that! our french friends got us bottle service.. yes free drinks all night..unfortunately i didnt know that because i was waiting in the ridic long line for a drink...but ended up kissing the one of the french... :) oh the french! fun, SWEATY night! not expecting that! too FUN! walked home with josh.. my wonderful gay friend from philllyy.. and made pasta at 5am and ate it on my porch overlooking italy.. to bad he was gay... hahah! 

thursday... missed italian, first day missing, but you couldnt pay me a million dollars to get out of bed, there was NO WAY! and showed up 45 minutes late to my next class.. but wait it gets WORSE.. walked in with sunglasses and a bottle of water, can you say HUNGOVEER!!?? ohh but thats not even the worse part... all the europeans that we partied with were in the class... hahha we all looked at each other and laughed... hahah one of the french girls had it worse than us.. she came to school in her night before outfit.. hahah i felt better being in a different outfit but still looking drunk.. hahah good times! after class i made it home showered passed out and woke up for another night in torino! YES club.. chalet?? DOWN!

everyone met in our apartment and when i mean everyone i mean 25 people.. i almost had a a nervous breakdown.. kim and i RUSHED everyone out! i was not going to be evicted! nooo wayy!! we got there.. and rocked it! duh! borrowed alittle back dress from kim.. :) clevage exposed... not like me! so funn!!! i didnt get drunk.. i was happy all night.. but got taken down by a brit.. yes he took me down with him.. jerk lost his balance and took a sista DOWN!.. as i was wedged inbetween couches.. yes... ouch.. i was helped up it didnt hurt at first.. day after.. left side completely NUMB! uuhhh! i got home at like 4am, better than others one of the boys from chico walked me home.. what a gentleman, and went to bed... hahah!

fridayyyyy... SLEEEEP! i had to rest for the OKTOBERFEST! we left at 11pm at night and drove all night.. when i mean sleep.. HA NO! tour bus.. NOT comfortable! but i made myself sleep.. we arrive... GERMANY!!! 8:30 am... RAN after micki to get to a tent.. MADE IT! got a seat.. didnt think it would be possible... and sat.. beer in hand at 8:45.. drunk by 9:45... oh man.. on the table singing dancing 10am... oh ya 10am! what??? people EVERYWHERE!!! singing drinking yelling laughing.. ahhh it was heaven! i was DRUNK by 12pm.. epic! got some postcards.. talked to this german guy.. had no idea what he was saying just remember laughing a lot.. hah i think i speak german when im drunk.. omg! bought a hat... hahahah its a must.. i was being called a witch all day.. because i lookd like harry from harry potter.. seriously swish and flick your wand you freak! hahah

my friend taylor and i found a park.. aka.. go to pass out! and that is what we did! ahahah looking at all the people at this park.. hahah KOED! hahahah omg i couldnt even describe it... just try and picture it... :) we ate till i was sober... ahhh bruatwurst!!! mmmm and something else that was BOMB!! hhahah and nuts and ahh i couldnt get enough.. it was like the orange county fair with beer EVERYWHERE and drunk people.. epic! it turned dark.. ride time!! hahah i only rode a few because rides that are put up over night just freak me out.. am i right?? no directions please.. cement that into the ground and ill go on it.. other than that. no THANKS!

8:30am-10pm... yes... allllll day!! the bus is loading... everyone is making their drunk asses back to the buses.. hahah what a site.. by this time i am sober.. like SOBER.. and i am enjoying watching everyone slurring their words telling me about their day... and laughing at every drunk comment! hahahah LOVE IT! so everyone get situated on the bus in their comfy clothes including me.. wasnt easy changing with a bunch of boys trying to watch, but i managed to do it... haha but everyone PASSED OUT!! me too.. i think i was tired from the whole day and the no sleep from the night before, but everyone was PASSED OUT!! hahah what a sight!! then the next thing i know the bus is stopped at some random field, and i remember looking out the window and thinking... ok this is where i die.. the bus driver is going to kill us all, and i am never going to see my 21st birthday.. great... but come to find the bus had broken down.. AWESOME! 60 euro for this shit at 4:30am.... NOT OKAY! waiting there for 2 and a half hours the bus decides to work again, and we are our marry way again... wait no! 6:30 bus breaks down again!! oh yes again!!! as the bus driver cracked the engine over and over again... i felt like i was back with the BEAST..haha rumm rumm ruummm... gaagg gaggg. never came to life.. stranded!!!

7:30 again broken this time we are not going anywhere... we had to wait at this stop station in the middle of NO WHERE for 3 hours for a new bus from torino... and then had to go back to torino for another 3 hours.... ya not ok.. the most sleep that i got was on the pavement at this stop place... omg, never felt more like a bum in my life... eww! i dont know how they do that!! 

the bus finally arrives... and i PASSED out until we got home.. now just think about these tour buses for a second.. NO LEG ROOM.. shortage of leg room, i found myself awoken with my knees in my CHEST! ok ouch! neck cramp... hip cramp.. yes yia yia i feel you now... GOD!

TORINO!! ahhhhh home.... never been mmore happy to see my bed and a shower.. ahh it was better than anything i would have expected! yes!!! if anyone knows me.. they know that when i am dirty sweaty hot.. im a BITCH.. and after i have a shower and clean clothes.. i could be best friends with a mouse... it was that bad!!! hahaha but i am home, went to bed at 6pm and slept through the night.. ahhh nothing like sleeep when your tired... school today was eventful, got another italian test on wednesday, and i bought my MICHAEL JACKSON TICKETS TODAYYYY!!!! yes i am going to see his movie THIS IS IT!!! hahah i made it a top priority... next college apps.. haha i love you mom!

caio for now!

Monday, September 21, 2009


OMG! there has been SOOOOOO much going on these past few days.. dont blame me for not blogging because i havent been in town, but here is my only opportunity to blogg.. ready set.. shit!

ok so this last thursday we went back to the night club CHALET.. but wait.. this time we were undercontrol.. hah semi :) we danced all night and meet cute italians.. of course.. and got up on stage and danced to the rhythm of the night.. i feel like i have been hearing the same songs for the past month, but its pretty funny watching the italians attempt to try and sing the words.. ahah anyways it got SUPER late when i looked at my phone.. it was 4:30am.. oh ya! Micki her roomate Taylor and i walked home from the club laughing a talking just freaking otu about the time, knowing that we had to be up in like 2 hours to catch a bus to the RIVIERA.. hahah yaaaa. so as we were crossing this one street a group of italian boys.. yes "boys" start yelling in italian after us.. not the yelling sense like "get out of the way" yelling in a sense like heyyyyyyyyy come hereeee!! wooo hooo! hahah and all we did was make louder noises and yell back.. hahah typical! then after we crossed the street they were still yelling, but i had noticed something funcky in the back seat.. oh ya.. some little peice of you know what was mooning us.. thats right i got some italian ass!! hahahahahaha! i whipped out my flip and took primo footage (mom you'll see it) it was sooooooo funny! no common ground as far as the laungage goes.. just more and more yelling! LOUD NOISES! we finally we able to get away after for a second i feared for my life... i arrived home. ahhhh

"katherine, Katherine, wake up!" we have to leave... "WHA???!!" omg... death on a leash.. to early.. no sleep.. ahhhhh!! thank god i packed the night before, because yes i still felt drunk! as i finished packing my toiletries.. hahah who knew what i threw in there.. we were on the bus on our way to school to meet for the Riviera. as we got on the bus... micki and i claimed our own row.. duh.. and passed out! 2 hour bus ride.. dont ask me about the ride up.. i couldnt tell you.

we arrived in Genova BEAUTIFUL GENOVA! ahhh looing like utter crap and feeling it too... we took a walking tour of the city by a tour guide, janet knows micki and i tired on walking tours.. it aint pretty.. just a lot of laughing.. to much actually.. hahah we went up in the revolving room that takes you over the city.. yes felt sick and hot.. oh lets not forget my fear of heights.. dingg! but the sight was amazing!! when we reach ground level again we walked back on the bus, where it took us to the Cinque Terra.. O M double GG!! it was one of the most unbelieveable places i had ever been. each city has its own name, and you can hike.. yes hike.. UPHILL.. to each city.. the hike didnt even phase micki, ashley, kim and i the sight was just breathtaking!! lets not forget it started to down pour on this hike.. but being from california.. what? jacket? yep only had a light cardigan... no big deal.. but you should have seen this place! ah the town of love.. the town of wonderfulness! every town had a stopping point where you litterally hiked through each town, they had shops places to eat.. just incredible! Mr. Rick steves (the traveling book) saved out lives yet again.. and gave us background and history on all the towns. 5 and a half miles later..... not kidding we parked it in venezona (not sure about the spelling) and micki and i shared the anchovie pizza.. first time ever eating them... can you say SALT! JANET DICHIRO! it was very good! the anchovies were a delacasy in the Cinque Terra so i had to eat one.. cmon! who am i?? after our lunch we decided we were done... we hopped on the train back to La Speccia where we stored our luggage, bought a ticket back to Torino... taking 4 and a half HOURS back to Torino... micki and i had reached an all time HIGH of delusional thinking... very bad! we left the Cinque Terra at 4:10 and arrived in Torino at 8:30pm.... after hiking all day smelling to high hell, we finally arrived home to Torino! ahhhhh on the way home we stopped at this famous KABAB place... ahhhhhh the most amazing food i have ever put in my mouth, and CHEAP! love it!! looking like haggered BEAST walking into this place, of course this is where the locals hang out on a Sunday night... sweet! no chance im getting a boyfriend tonight as i scarf down on a Kabab smelling and looking like a wilda beast! hahah seriously though!

this morning i had italian from 9am-11am... yes i got up for school after getting no sleep during the weekend, but i got a shower when i got home and thats all i cared about! caiiiooo for now!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

ohh man!!

okay.. so first of all.. this whole time being in italy really throws me for a loop sometimes because i forget im in another country and think that im here for playtime and no work time.  Last night Micki, Ashley, Kim and i went to this wine event our in Asti that is suppose to be FAMOUS for the amazing food and FREE, yes you heard me.. FREE wine!  it was SOOOOO good! you buy this wine glass with this neck tie for 50 cent euro and then you go around and buy a plate of food and you get your wine glass filled for free... hahah and of course being american... we all cheated the system and flirted with the old men holding the rosso vino... haha works everytime, the italian boys that we were with just laugh at us an say, "well, it pays to be georgous!" we would all just smile.  :)  we had amazing rissotto and pasta and many glasses of wine, people EVERYWHERE! and it was incredible!

2 nights ago we discovered this club called CHALET, and its one of the most primo of primo clubs i guess.. dress code and all, Kim and i got ready at our apartment and walked over to micki and ashleys apartment which only took 5 min and all drank wine while micki and ashley finished getting ready.  by the time they had finished kim and i were pretty toasted... haha but not drunk.  other USAC friends came and we all left together.  earlier that day at school out in front on our break, micki insisted to shout, "caio raggazzi!" to this group of CUTIES! and of course we got their attention.. but before i heard them talking about us saying that we were "hot" (yep the italian is kicking in) and thats when i told micki, theyre talking about us... then here comes the CAIIOOOO!! hahah we sat on the each side of the entry way having conversations with these guys, like sign language... it was great! we finally exchanged numbers and thats when he told us about this club... we were going to this club!

after meeting up with our other USAC friends we all decided to walk together to this club.. oh ya i havent used a cab since ive been here.. walking like 5 to 6 miles a night (buns of steal!!) we get there and there is a SEA of kids our age just cramming the gates and i looked at Kim and said... "oh, Katherine doesn't wait..!" (being alittle under the influence) i shout from the back of the crowd of people... "sono AMERICANA!" the crowd slit like MOSIS splitting the seas, everyone was starring at me, Ashley and this girl named megan! hahah we walked right in, i could hear italians cussing at the bouncers, but what did i care.. i was in! woo! once again.. pays to be pretty, and american!! we get into the club and it was incredible! lights and italians everywhere! the girls and i went straight to the bar and took shots! woo! lets go DANCE! we took OVER THE DANCE FLOOR!! hahahah 

then all of a sudden this like random house band came on, and started playing random ROCK italian music... micki and i made our way to the front.. DUH and sang along... what? sang along.. wasnt it in ALL italian??? i thought we sounded good! hahaha then when the band cleared off we jumped up on stage and danced with the band.... god! we know how to rock it!

the clock struck like 4:30 and it was time to start walking back... this wasnt an easy task... but we were with a bunch of people so it was safe! seriously, VERY safe! the next day.. italian class... if i could imagine hell that this point in my life, it would have been that friday italian class for 3 hours, my roomate kim couldnt even get out of bed... i dont know how i did.  remembering micki and having like 100 laugh attacked.. no seriously micki had to leave the room... i couldnt keep focused... it was HELL! theres no other way to explain it.  Got home at like 2:30 int he afternoon and slept until 6:30.. ahhhh yes! needed that!

then that night this group of italian guys that we have been hanging out with almost everynight wanted to make us a REAL italian meal, Kim and i met at Mickis apartment and the boys were present, they brought all the supplies over, the pasta the sausage, everything, the girls were incharge of the wine.. hahaha. they cooked in their doll house kitchen while we all sat around and drank wine and talked in half italian half english... ahahah priceless! the night ended on a good note ;) and then i went home. it was a night that didnt have a lot of effort but still was sooooo much fun! all in all i have been going out and enjoying every minute!

today is sunday.. catch up day and i am doing homework and getting my life together for the next week... i am going to the riviera for the weekend and i seriously cannot wait! ah SUN AND THE BEACH! i miss it so! i hope you enjoyed this blog and hopefully this week will have some funny moments, but knowing me, a funny moment is only around the corner... seriously!

life couldnt be sweeter! italy sends its love to you all! caio raggazzi e familia!! (bye friends and family!)


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First week of school.... GOD!

hey everyone!!! omg this past week has been CRAZY!!! micki and i have been walking around like crazy people trying to figure out our lives, Okoberfest, plane flights, trips to the Riviera, dont forget about school and homework, our insane iyalian teacher... hahah but shes awesome!

school is great! not but not what i expected, i expected UCLA campus with all the italians hangin gout in the quad.. and sipping on coffee and blundling up with the cold!.. but we are in a section of the school that is such a small part but i did meet my italian pen pal... when we saw each other, i went in for a hand shake and he went in for the european two kisses on the cheek.. hahah woahhhhh not expecting that!! hahahah but it was cool, hes really into school so he told me he will be studying a lot but he said as soon as school calms down then we will have time for me... hahah it will be winter, uhh!

but school is great this week we only have italian this week and classes start next. and i couldnt be more excited to listen to the professors in english! hahah but the school is great the staff is very helpful, its just a lot of stuff that you have to organized, in a foreign country and its really hard because you are still learning how to get around on the bus and by foot, and trying not to get robbed in the meantime... :/ i havent yet.. knock on wood, but i bought a side shoulder bag yesterday because i needed a bag that zipped...

but we went out last night to this place called Cacow, and it was a club with a SEA of people! the music was SOOOO loud and crazy and italians everywhere! i dont know if my gay-dar is out of whack.. but i think that every single guy at this club was.. just by looking at them, by the way they dressed and how they seemed to present themselves. the other night i made the mistake of hitting on this REALLY cute italian guy.. turns out he was gay... and ego is now in the shitter.. thank you very much! haha no but i was not going to risk that again so i just waited till they approached us.

the clubs on the river Po are SUPER fun but we just found out that they will be closing in a matter of like 10 days... and then you have to pay to get into clubs, because it gets so cold that you have to pay to be inside and not freeze to death.. so the winter should be really interesting!
all the i said that we have met, tell us to get a boyfriend in the winter to be "intertained" hmmmm yaaaa we shall see...

micki and i had a "us" day yesterday because our roomates want to constantly be with us... and it was great to catch up with each other alone and talk about what was on each others minds. we went to HnM :) and while shopping a heard of soccer hooligans for the team torino were marching down the street chanting their soccer teams chant, micki and i heard it and threw our stuff down and ran down the stairs to hear what was going on.. maybe 150 to 200 men chanting down the street.. does anyone want my number..?? hahah just kidding, but i was quite the sight, micki and i are going tonight to see if we can get a way in... i guess its a big game... i just want to go to experience the liveliness of the people cheering and yelling with so much passion.. and then after the game make a quick dash to the buses before the riots break out, that all for now.. send me an email with specific questions that you might have because other than that the blogging will be the best that you will get!

love you all!!

caio! xoxox


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Last night!!

ok so i had my doubts about this place.. not getting the italian vibe..  the town of Torino is more like the city of New York... but with the language barrier.. but last night was the most epic thing of my life!!! i finally got the night i have been looking for! i met this guy at this local bar that was PACKED with people, i was not going to let myself be shy with all these italians in my grasp... so i started a conversation with this guy (amazingly attractive!) and he works for easyjet a cheap airline.. first thing i thought.. great he's a sturt... gay... CRAP! but no! he bought me one of the BEST mojito's i have EVER HAD the bar tender took like 7 minutes making it im NOT KIDDING! so we got talking and he gave me his number and we decided that i was going to teach him english and he was going to teach me italian.  we parted ways and at 2:10am he texted me saying that he wants to meet my friends and introduce his friends to us... and take us to all the best places to eat and party in Torino, because he knew i looked LOST!!!!!!

so after i got my Mojito and parted ways, micki and Ashley had gotten me a vodka redbull... yep double fisting in europe... CLASSY.. as we walked outside we ran into the guys that we hung out with the night before and the discotechas... MIND YOU.... this piazza is FULL like im talking 300 to 400 italians all crunched together talking and enjoying each others company... amaxing! he he introduced us to his other friends... HOT! and they were SO nice! talking in italian to us, and we were trying to guess what they were saying... hahah you can only imagine the laughing that was going on... hahahahhahah

they ended up taking us to all the hidden piazzas and places they would go when they were little and it was one of the most interesting things EVER! they were teaching us about the culture of italy and teaching us about all the monuments and the way the buildings were made... OMG! 4 guys and they were so into it! the passion they had for their city was incredible!

we were out till 3:45am... and i wasnt even tired.. i couldnt get enough information! it was insane! one of the best nights so far! we got to meet the locals as well as hang out with them and get to know them as people, and not as just hook ups... and they were SO nice! and FUNNNY! hahaah omg i fell in love with all 4 of them! ah! 

when i asked them what they do for fun during the winter because its so cold... their response was, "get a boyfriend!" and i said ok then!  they looked at all three of us and said, you will have NO PROBLEM finding someone to fall in love with.. and then they looked at just micki and i and said "if you are here for 9 months you might be married..." hahahahah ah and then they said something in italian and i just melted!! the night was everything that i could have asked for! it was a dream!

no kissing except for the two on each cheek, as we said our good byes, even though by 3:45 i wanted to take one home with me.. but then i saw my moms face in my head, and just said goodnight... 

classy and memorable!
ah beautiful italy!

ciao for now!

Friday, September 4, 2009


hey guys!!!

my internet in my apartment is in and out.. like every 20 minutes.. if really hard stealing WIFI! hahahah but i hope it lasts forever!! anyways.. im moved into my apartment and everything is FABULOUS!! tomorrow we are going to the open market to buy groceries... i havent even had time to do that.. even though i couldnt find a supermarket to save my LIFE! but they are keep us BUUSSYYY! we were out from 9:30 this morning until 7:30pm.. OMG! and i havent gotten ny sleep because im hyped on life and i feel like if i sleep i will miss out on something!!! hahahah soo i dont want to do that!

school starts monday and i am super excited and cant wait!
last night clubbing was incredible!!!! i was so sweaty and gross that i could twist my hair and sweat dripped out... eww!!! i was dancing that much and CRAZY! no italians in my life yet... but give me time...

lost 5 pounds.. i also forget to eat, because we are so busy, and we walk everywhere and i am not hungry... omg italy so far is AMAZING! loosing weight and having fun??? dream come true!!

gotta find me an italian stallion!! maybe tonight.. my friends and i are going to hang out at the locals piazza.. and go wine tasting! ah amazing!



Thursday, September 3, 2009


so if i didnt send you an email.. its because you never texted me back while i was at home asking everyone for their email.. shame on you!!! send me your email

I LOVE IT HERE!!! and i can't wait to start my life!!! i dont rea;; y have time to blog that much today because i am moving into my apartment today and will not be accessable to the internet for a few days... which is unfortunate! but school has free wireless internet so i think i will find myself more at school than i thought i would be! if i havent emailed you.. send me your email again and i will do my VERY best to send you a personal email... things are very restricted here.. but thats all part of the experience and i dont want to miss a second of it!! 

i downloaded SKYPE on my computer!!!! so if i am ever on dont hesitate to talk to me! i think i would love not only the company but a connection to my home life!! i hope i hear from you all and have a great day!

Katherine, Blog, out..!